Mud Lake Conservation Area near Port Colborne has drawn down water levels this 
summer and shorebirding has been good on most visits. No rarities to report at 
the moment, but a good variety of shorebirds are usually present and it is a 
worthy stop to add to a day of birding along the Lake Erie shoreline in 
Niagara/Haldimand. This morning the following species were present:

7 Semipalmated Plover

43 Killdeer

1 Stilt Sandpiper - juv

1 Baird's Sandpiper - juv

76 Least Sandpiper

15 Pectoral Sandpiper

26 Semipalmated Sandpiper

2 Spotted Sandpiper

4 Solitary Sandpiper

1 Greater Yellowlegs

3 Lesser Yellowlegs

Mud Lake Conservation Area is accessed from Elm Street, running north from the 
City of Port Colborne, Region of Niagara. There is a small parking lot  on the 
east side of Elm Street adjacent to the south part of the Conservation Area.

There are two good vantage points to scan for shorebirds - the first is from 
the southwest corner of the lake, only about 50 meters from the parking lot.  
Most of the peeps and the Baird's Sandpiper were viewed from here, looking 
north. Walking north up the trail along the west side of the lake will take you 
to the northwest part of the lake which also has good habitat. This is where 
most of the Pectoral Sandpipers and the Stilt Sandpiper were today.

Good birding,

Josh Vandermeulen

Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
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