Around 2:00 p.m. today, a pair of Sandhill Cranes were seen foraging in a harvested carrot field on the north side of Ravenshoe Rd. in Georgina, about 1.5 to 2 km west of Leslie St. Not sure how long they will stay, but would be nice if more joined them, as there is plenty of good foraging ground. Other birds of interest seen were an immature Northern Shrike and a female American Kestrel. Although the resident Bald Eagle pair were still present a couple of days ago in the Bruce St. wetland, no sign was seen of them today. Unsure if they were hunting further afield, or have left for the season. No sign of Snowy Owls, Snow Buntings or Horned Larks yet, but expect them anytime soon!

Ravenshoe Rd. can be reached by driving up Hwy. 404 to its end, then turn north for a short jaunt and turn left on Ravenshoe Rd. Leslie St. is 2 km west, and continue another km or so to reach the beginning of the marsh lands and agricultural fields. For winter birding, it's worth a drive to this area!

Steve Kinsley

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