Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch
Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Oct 08, 2017

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture             332            552           2297
Osprey                       1              5             65
Bald Eagle                   4              4             88
Northern Harrier             2             22            239
Sharp-shinned Hawk          14             59           1927
Cooper's Hawk                1              2             44
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              6
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0           4325
Red-tailed Hawk              1              3             40
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              1              1
American Kestrel             6             32           1253
Merlin                       3              6             61
Peregrine Falcon            14            119            148
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              0              0
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              2

Total:                     378            805          10496

Observation start time: 07:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:00:00 
Total observation time: 8 hours

Official Counter:        Tom Bolohan

Observers:        Bob Johnstone, Cary Graham, Mary Carnahan, Matt Oswald

Thanks to all those who helped with today's count... Tom B, Matt, Cary,
Bob, Mary, Kay J and all the visitors including Carrie, Janet and David W
and John P (Rochester NY) and many others who's names weren't reported.

Another good day for a flight right along the cliff with moderate SW winds
to start but unfortunately, backing to W for the afternoon. Temp got to a
high o 22C. Some cloud cover early breaking out to mostly sunny skies.

Raptor Observations:
A nice day for hawk watching and a decent flight along the cliff with a
total of 378 birds..... with some more Peregrines (14) which now ties our
season total record of 148 ... so this record too will most likely fall
this week.

Other species were on the move as well with TVs (332), a single Osprey,
Bald Eagles (4), N. Harriers (2), Sharpies (14), a lone Cooper's Hawk and a
single Red-tailed Hawk that appeared to be migrating, Am. Kestrels (6) and
a few Merlins (3).

Non-raptor Observations:
I didn't get a non-raptor report today.

Monday looks like a decent day for migration with lighter winds out of the
NW to N to NE for the day.  Any birds already in the pipeline will likely
be on the move.
Report submitted by Dave Brown (thebro...@ezlink.on.ca)
Hawk Cliff Hawkwatch information may be found at:

More site information at hawkcount.org:  

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