Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

January 18, 2018

The highlight of the week was a small covey of GRAY PARTRIDGE in a new
housing development off Groningen in Kanata that were somewhat gettable on
the weekend and as late as the 16th.

There was more bitter cold this week followed by milder temperatures which
opened up the rivers a bit, but it was pretty much the same old birds seen
this week.

There was an addition to the handful of scarce over-wintering DUCKS. A
LESSER SCAUP was at the storm outlet on Iber Road. A NORTHERN PINTAIL was
there as of the 14th.  The WOOD DUCKS remain at Billings Bridge, and a
NORTHERN PINTAIL was there on the 13th.  An AMERICAN WIGEON has been on
Pinecrest Creek and at Britannia.  2 HOODED MERGANSERS were seen on the
Jock River near Greenbank on the 11th. The BARROW’S GOLDENEYE was seen
north of HURDMAN on the 13th. We hope that it sticks around.

A GOLDEN EAGLE was seen from Chemin Therien on the 14th.  A NORTHERN
GOSHAWK was near Carp on the 16th.

A NORTHERN SHRIKE was in the Richelieu Park-Beechwood area on the 13th, and
there were scattered sightings of others in far-flung regions outside the

A RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER continues in Luskville as of the 14th and a
NORTHERN FLICKER was in Manotick on the 14th.

A LAPLAND LONGSPUR was in Luskville on the 14th.  1 was seen on Trail Road
on the 11th, and up to 7 have been seen on Steeple Hill Crescent, but not

A RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD is coming to a feeder in Dunrobin, as late as the 14
th, while 2 were at the Trail Road landfill on the 12th. 2 RED-WINGED
BLACKBIRDS and a COMMON GRACKLE continue at a feeder near Masson as of the
16th.  A single BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD was at the trail Road landfill as late
as the 17th

WINTER FINCHES continue to disappoint us. There are mostly just RED
CROSSBILL and PURPLE FINCH on the Eardley-Masham Road, although 2
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS were there on the 14th. There have been a number of
PINE SISKINS near Lac McGregor and 1 in Sarsfield on the 17th, and a
WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL there on the 16th. A single EVENING GROSBEAK was in
Larose Forest on the 16th.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
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