Howard Shapiro discovered a somewhat cooperative Connecticut Warbler earlier 
today just northwest of the main “Wet Woods” at the base of Tommy Thompson Park 
(“TTP”)in Toronto.

The precise location is a bit difficult to describe, but anyone interested in 
looking for the bird should look for thicket almost directly underneath a stand 
of cottonwood trees, about halfway NW of the main Wet Woods (aka the TTP 
Baselands), and SE of the bend in Unwin Avenue where it swings back E/W after 
turning N/S. 

The bird is in a relatively small thicket and has remained there since Howard 
discovered it earlier today.  

As the only other landmark I can offer, there’s an old white patio chair 
located about 5m east of the thicket. 

Patience is required, and if you go, please be respectful of both the bird 
itself, and any other birders who may be present or may come to look later on 

Tommy Thompson Park is located at the intersection of Leslie Street and Unwin 
Avenue in Toronto. 

David Pryor

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