Our group of 22 birders was greeted by near perfect weather and some pleasant 
surprises during our tour of northern York and southern Dufferin Counties on 
Saturday.  Perhaps our biggest highlight was a roosting Common Nighthawk in 
plain view in the Palgrave Conservation Area as we entered.  The bird even 
revealed its wing bars by taking off just as we were exiting the park!  Nearby 
was a very accommodating Black-billed Cuckoo.


Also seen were several other species including Philadelphia Vireo, Brown 
Creeper, Black and White, Black-throated Green and Tennessee Warblers, and both 
nuthatches.  Surprisingly, we were unable to turn up a single Pine Warbler!


At a nearby Humber Station Road swamp we were happy to hear, but not see, a 
Virginia Rail, and Belted Kingfisher.


After a quick lunch break (I got to check out a spiffy Tesla owned by one of 
our group members) we headed to the Everett Gravel Pit.  On the way we stopped 
briefly to view a couple Trumpeter Swans and a Vesper Sparrow at the Horse 
Ponds.  At the Everett Gravel Pit water levels are currently low, which is 
conducive to shorebirds.  Unfortunately, the distances involved and the heat 
haze made IDing small peeps quite challenging.  Both Yellowlegs were present as 
well as Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers.  Also present were Green-winged 
Teal, Caspian Tern, Great Egret, Great-blue Heron and Mute Swans.


Our group disbanded at this point.  Recent reconnaissance, had indicated that 
the Beeton Sod Farm area was bone dry and unproductive.  Some more dedicated 
group members checked out the Schomberg Sewage Lagoons on their way home and 
reported two Sandhill Cranes and Baird’s Sandpiper.


All in all a very enjoyable and productive outing. Thanks to Ken Morin and 
Brian Roberts for logistical support along the way.


John Schmelefske

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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