On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 10:49 AM, NxtChg <nxt...@hush.com> wrote:
>>While this topic is very interesting, I do not see how it is
>>relevant to a mailing list dedicated to technical and academic debate.
>>Please can you take this discussion elsewhere.
> Wow. I have Deja Vu. Where have I heard recently that discussing Bitcoin 
> split is off topic and must be stopped?.. Hm...
> This is the biggest issue with Bitcoin right now and you want us to move to 
> some obscure place?
> Where? Reddit?  Where we can't be heard? Create another list with top XT 
> people then.

This is a technical list dedicated to technical discussions revolving
around the bitcoin protocol and related technologies. What I am saying
is your discussion topic is not relevant to the long established theme
of this list. Please have a bit of decorum and respect for people who
joined this list so they could participate in and review
technical/academic topics.

Clearly there *should* be a general bitcoin discussion list somewhere,
I don't disagree (and I have repeatedly asked for one to be created),
but regardless, this list isn't it. The flood of off topic and
non-technical posts make it almost impossible to follow any technical
bitcoin-dev mailing list

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