On 2015-09-01 18:37, Eric Voskuil wrote:
Whether intended or otherwise this is an attack on the idea of
decentralized bitcoin development. The option to fork or roll your own
is open source, not decentralization. Decentralization requires
*actually doing so*. One step down that path, even for a fork, is a
major commitment.

Common consensus check code is now available in several bitcoin
implementations. The claim that this is outrageously difficult is
misleading. It's just engineering work that needs to get done if Bitcoin
is to survive.

There's no requirement for there to be multiple interpretations of the
consensus code, this is why libbitcoinconsensus exists.  Why do you
think Bitcoins survival is predicated on reimplementation?

These are issues that affect the satoshi client as much as other
implementations, and therefore don't support your premise.

I'm aware that these problems apply to Bitcoin Core.
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