Thank you so much for taking time to actually review the codes. I hope you will 
keep raising questions when you feel something might be wrong. This is how 
things supposed to work and we should not be affected by some forum discussions.

> On August 26, 2016 at 9:16 AM Sergio Demian Lerner 
> <> wrote:
>     Because there was a discussion on reddit about this topic, I want to 
> clarify that Johnson Lau explained how a check in the code prevents this 
> attack.
>     So there is no real attack.
>     Also note that the subject of this thread has a question mark, which 
> means that I'm asking the community for clarification, not asserting the 
> existence of a vulnerability.
>     The segwit code is complex, and some key parts of the consensus code are 
> spread over the source files (such as state.CorruptionPossible() relation to 
> DoS banning, IsNull() check in witness program serialization, etc.).
>     Thanks again Johnson for your clarifications.
>     On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 10:49 PM, Johnson Lau < 
> > wrote:
>         > > 
> >         Adding witness data to a non-segwit script is invalid by consensus:
> > 
> >         
> >
> >  
> >
> > 
> > 
> >         This PR will detect such violation early and ban the peer:
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >          
> > 
> > 
> >         Another approach is to run the scripts of all incoming 
> > transactions. That's not too bad as you have already fetched the utxos 
> > which is a major part of validation.
> > 
> >     > 
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