In this case I don’t understand how your implementation won’t be DoS-ed. An 
attacker could keep sending you inv for the same block / transaction. Since you 
don’t assume the hash is unique, each time you have to download the block/tx 
again before you could tell if that is the same one you have already known. 
Otherwise, you are implementing the “first seen” rule.

Also, you can’t ban a peer just because you get an invalid tx from him, because 
he might be referring to a hash-colliding UTXO that you don’t know. In that 
case you need to request for the parent tx to verify. I wonder if you are 
really doing that.

> On 18 Nov 2016, at 11:20, Eric Voskuil <> wrote:
> You are suggesting that, since a node implements a denial of service policy 
> that actually denies itself otherwise valid blocks, those blocks are 
> conditionally invalid. And that, since the validity condition is based on 
> order of arrival and therefore independently unverifiable, Bitcoin consensus 
> is broken in the face of a hash collision.
> I am aware of two other hash collision scenarios that cause Core to declare 
> blocks invalid based on ordering. The block hash duplicate check (it's not 
> fork-point relative) and signature verification caching. Like the "block 
> banning" issue above, the latter is related to an internal optimization. I 
> would categorize the former as a simple oversight that presumably goes way 
> back.
> What then is the consequence of validity that is unverifiable? You believe 
> this means that Bitcoin consensus is broken. This is incorrect. First 
> understand that it is not possible for consensus rules to invalidate blocks 
> based on order of arrival. As such any *implementation* that invalidates 
> blocks based on order of arrival is broken. It is an error to claim that 
> these behaviors are part of consensus, despite being implemented in the 
> satoshi node(s).
> Validity must be verifiable independent of the state of other nodes. 
> Consensus is a function of block history and time alone. Time is presumed to 
> be universally consistent. To be a consensus rule all nodes must be able to 
> independently reach the same validity conclusion, given the same set of 
> blocks, independent of order. If this is not the case the behavior is not a 
> consensus rule, it is simply a bug. 
> Deviating from such bugs is not a break with consensus, since such non-rules 
> cannot be part of consensus. One node implementation can behave 
> deterministically while others are behaving non-deterministically, with the 
> two nodes remaining consistent from a consensus standpoint (deterministic 
> produces a subset of non-deterministic results). But, unlike arbitrary nodes, 
> deterministic nodes will not cause disruption on the network.
> You imply that these determinism bugs are necessary, that there is no fix. 
> This is also incorrect.
> The block banning hash collision bug is avoided by not using non-chain/clock 
> state to determine validity. Doing otherwise is clearly a bug. The hash of a 
> block is not the block itself, a logically-correct ban would be to compare 
> the wire serialization of the block as opposed to the hash, or not maintain 
> the feature at all.
> The signature verification caching hash collision bug is the same problem, an 
> optimization based on an invalid assumption. A full serialization comparison 
> (true identity), or elimination of the feature resolves the  bug.
> The block hash check collision bug is trivially resolved by checking at the 
> fork point as opposed to the tip. This prevents arbitrary (and irrational) 
> invalidity based on conflict with irrelevant blocks that may or may not exist 
> above the fork point.
> Libbitcoin is deterministic in all three cases (although the third issue is 
> not made consistent until v3). I am not aware of any other non-determinism in 
> Core, but I don't spend a lot of time there. There is no need to study other 
> implementations to ensure determinism, as that can be verified independently.
> Any situation in which a node cannot provide deterministic validation of 
> unordered blocks constitutes a non-consensus bug, as the behavior is not 
> consistently verifiable by others under any conditions. Fixing/preventing 
> these bugs is responsible development behavior, and does not require forks or 
> BIPs, since Bitcoin doesn't inherently contain any such bugs. They are the 
> consequence of incorrect implementation, and in two of the three cases above 
> have resulted from supposed optimizations. But any code that creates 
> non-determinism in exchange for speed, etc. is not an optimization, it's a 
> bug. A node must implement its optimizations in a manner that does not alter 
> consensus.
> The BIP30 regression hard fork is not a case of non-determinism. This will 
> produce deterministic results (apart from the impact of unrelated bugs). 
> However the results are both a clear break from previous (and documented) 
> consensus but also produce a very undesirable outcome - destruction of all 
> unspent outputs in the "replaced" transaction for starters. So this is a 
> distinct category, not a determinism bug but a hard fork that produces 
> undesired consequences.
> The BIP30 regression hard fork actually enables the various pathological 
> scenarios that you were describing, where no such issues existed in Bitcoin 
> consensus previously. It is now possible to produce a block that mutates 
> another arbitrarily deep block, and forces a reorg all the way back to the 
> mutated block. This was done to save microseconds per block. Despite the 
> improbability of hash collisions, I find this deplorable and the lack of 
> public discussion on the decision concerning.
> With respect to the original post, the point at issue is the introduction of 
> another hard fork, with some odd behaviors, but without any justification 
> apart from tidying up the small amount of necessary code. These issues are 
> related in that they are both consensus forks that have been introduced as 
> supposed optimizations, with no public discussion prior to release (or at 
> least merging to master with the presumption of shipping in the latter case). 
> Two of the three hash collision issues above are also related in that they 
> are bugs introduced by a desire to optimize internals.
> The engineering lesson here should be clear - watch out for developers 
> bearing optimizations. A trade against correctness is not an optimization, 
> it's a break. Satoshi was clearly a fan of the premature optimization. 
> FindAndDelete is a howler. So this is a tradition in Bitcoin. My intent is 
> not to sling mud but to improve the situation.
> It is very possible to produce straightforward and deterministic code that 
> abides consensus and materially outperforms Core, without any of the above 
> optimization breaks, even avoiding the utxo set optimization. Even the tx 
> (memory) and block (orphan) pools are complex store denormalizations 
> implemented as optimizations. Optimizing before producing a clean conceptual 
> model architecture and design is a software development anti-pattern 
> (premature optimization). The proposed fork is a premature optimization. 
> There are much more significant opportunities to better organize code (and 
> improve performance). I cannot support the decision to advance it.
> I was unaware Core had regressed BIP30. Given that the behavior is 
> catastrophic and that it introduces the *only* hash-collision consensus 
> misbehavior (unless we consider a deep reorg sans the otherwise necessary 
> proof of work desirable behavior), I strongly recommend it be reverted, with 
> a post-mortem BIP.
> Finally I recommend people contemplate the difference between unlikely and 
> impossible. The chance of random collision is very small, but not zero. 
> Colliding hashes is extremely difficult, but not impossible. But Bitcoin does 
> not rely on impossibility for correct behavior. It relies of difficulty. This 
> is a subtle but important distinction that people are missing.
> Difficulty is a knowable quantity - a function of computing power.  If hash 
> operations remain difficult, Bitcoin is undeterred. Collisions will have no 
> impact, even if they happen with unexpected frequency (which would still be 
> vanishingly infrequent). If the difficulty of producing a collision is 
> reduced to the point where people cannot rely on addresses (for example), 
> then Bitcoin has a problem, as it has become a leaky ship (and then there's 
> mining). But with the unnecessary problems described above, a single hash 
> collision can be catastrophic. Unlike difficulty, which is known, nobody can 
> know when a single collision will show up. Betting Bitcoin, and potentially 
> the world's money, on the unknowable is poor reasoning, especially given that 
> the cost of not doing so is so very low.
> e
>> On Nov 17, 2016, at 10:08 AM, Johnson Lau <> wrote:
>> The fact that some implementations ban an invalid block hash and some do 
>> not, suggests that it’s not a pure p2p protocol issue. A pure p2p split 
>> should be unified by a bridge node. However, a bridge node is not helpful in 
>> this case. Banning an invalid block hash is an implicit “first seen” 
>> consensus rule.
>> jl2012
>>> On 18 Nov 2016, at 01:49, Eric Voskuil <> wrote:
>>> Actually both possibilities were specifically covered in my description. 
>>> Sorry if it wasn't clear.
>>> If you create a new valid block out of an old one it's has potential to 
>>> cause a reorg. The blocks that previously built on the original are still 
>>> able to do so but presumably cannot build forever on the *new* block as it 
>>> has a different tx. But other new blocks can. There is no chain split due 
>>> to a different interpretation of valid, there are simply two valid 
>>> competing chains.
>>> Note that this scenario requires not only block and tx validity with a tx 
>>> hash collision, but also that the tx be valid within the block. Pretty far 
>>> to reach to not even get a chain split, but it could produce a deep reorg 
>>> with a very low chance of success. As I keep telling people, deep reorgs 
>>> can happen, they are just unlikely, as is this scenario.
>>> If you create a new invalid block it is discarded by everyone. That does 
>>> not invalidate the hash of that block. Permanent blocking as you describe 
>>> it would be a p2p protocol design choice, having nothing to do with 
>>> consensus. Libbitcoin for example does not ban invalidated hashes at all. 
>>> It just discards the block and drops the peer.
>>> e

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