I have rewritten and simplified BIP114, and renamed it to “Merklized Script”, 
as a more accurate description after consulting the original proposers of MAST. 
It could be considered as a special case of MAST, but has basically the same 
functions and scaling properties of MAST.

Compared with Friedenbach’s latest tail-call execution semantics proposal, I 
think the most notable difference is BIP114 focuses on maintaining the static 
analysability, which was a reason of OP_EVAL (BIP12) being rejected. Currently 
we could count the number of sigOp without executing the script, and this 
remains true with BIP114. Since sigOp is a block-level limit, any OP_EVAL-like 
operation means block validity will depend on the precise outcome of script 
execution (instead of just pass or fail), which is a layer violation.

Link to the revised BIP114: 

On top of BIP114, new script functions are defined with 5 BIPs:

VVV: Pay-to-witness-public-key: 
WWW: String and Bitwise Operations in Merklized Script Version 0: 
XXX: Numeric Operations in Merklized Script Version 0: 
YYY: ECDSA signature operations in Merklized Script Version 0: 
ZZZ: OP_PUSHTXDATA: https://github.com/jl2012/bips/blob/vault/bip-0ZZZ.mediawiki

As a summary, these BIPs have the following major features:

1. Merklized Script: a special case of MAST, allows users to hide unexecuted 
branches in their scripts (BIP114)
2. Delegation: key holder(s) may delegate the right of spending to other keys 
(scripts), with or without additional conditions such as locktime. (BIP114, VVV)
3. Enabling all OP codes disabled by Satoshi (based on Elements project with 
modification. BIPWWW and XXX)
4. New SIGHASH definition with very high flexibility (BIPYYY)
5. Covenant (BIPZZZ)
6. OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK, modified from Elements project (BIPYYY)
7. Replace ~72 byte DER sig with fixed size 64 byte compact sig. (BIPYYY)

All of these features are modular and no need to be deployed at once. The very 
basic BIP114 (merklized script only, no delegation) could be done quite easily. 
BIP114 has its own versioning system which makes introducing new functions very 

Things I’d like to have:

1. BIP114 now uses SHA256, but I’m open to other hash design
2. Using Schnorr or similar signature scheme, instead of ECDSA, in BIPYYY.

Reference implementation: https://github.com/jl2012/bitcoin/commits/vault
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