> On 21 Sep 2017, at 3:29 AM, Mark Friedenbach <m...@friedenbach.org> wrote:
>> On Sep 19, 2017, at 10:13 PM, Johnson Lau <jl2...@xbt.hk> wrote:
>> If we don’t want this ugliness, we could use a new script version for every 
>> new op code we add. In the new BIP114 (see link above), I suggest to move 
>> the script version to the witness, which is cheaper.
> To be clear, I don’t think it is so much that the version should be moved to 
> the witness, but rather that there are two separate version values here — one 
> in the scriptPubKey which specifies the format and structure of the segwit 
> commitment itself, and another in the witness which gates functionality in 
> script or whatever else is used by that witness type. Segwit just 
> unfortunately didn’t include the latter, an oversight that should be 
> corrected on the on the next upgrade opportunity.
> The address-visible “script version” field should probably be renamed 
> “witness type” as it will only be used in the future to encode how to check 
> the witness commitment in the scriptPubKey against the data provided in the 
> witness. Upgrades and improvements to the features supported by those witness 
> types won’t require new top-level witness types to be defined. Defining a new 
> opcode, even one with modifies the stack, doesn’t change the hashing scheme 
> used by the witness type.
> v0,32-bytes is presently defined to calculate the double-SHA256 hash of the 
> top-most serialized item on the stack, and compare that against the 32-byte 
> commitment value. Arguably it probably should have hashed the top two values, 
> one of which would have been the real script version. This could be fixed 
> however, even without introducing a new witness type. Do a soft-fork upgrade 
> that checks if the witness redeem script is push-only, and if so then pop the 
> last push off as the script version (>= 1), and concatenate the rest to form 
> the actual redeem script. We inherit a little technical debt from having to 
> deal with push limits, but we avoid burning v0 in an upgrade to v1 that does 
> little more than add a script version.
> v1,32-bytes would then be used for a template version of MAST, or whatever 
> other idea comes along that fundamentally changes the way the witness 
> commitment is calculated.
> Mark

This is exactly what I suggest with BIP114. Using v1, 32-byte to define the 
basic structure of Merklized Script, and define the script version inside the 

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