I made a similar proposal about 7 months ago, and documented some of the
discussion points here:


On 2018-09-06 (Thu) at 15:16:34 +0000, Gregory Maxwell via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Functionality such as this does not currently exist not because no one
> thought of it before, but because it has been proposed many times
> before and determined to be harmful.  The existing design of CLTV/CSV
> were carefully constructed to make it impossible for a transaction to
> go from valid to invalid based on the time. The most naive
> construction-- e.g. push the current time/height on the stack-- would
> have that property and was specifically avoided.
> When a spend goes from valid to invalid it means that a reorganization
> will destroy coins even completely absent any dishonest actions of the
> coins prior owner in the coins recent casual history. Effectively a
> coin with any kind of non-monotone validity event in its recent
> history functions like a recently generated coin: a coin that reorgs
> destroy. Bitcoin addresses the issue for recently generated coins by
> not permitting their use for 100 blocks.  I've yet to see an argument
> for a use case for non-monotone validity that still sounds useful once
> the negative effects are addressed (e.g. by subjecting coins that have
> gone through them to a maturity limitation).
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