It seems we forgot
since getblockstats is only mentioned in the commits.

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 12:32 PM Wladimir J. van der Laan via
bitcoin-dev <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Bitcoin Core version 0.17.0 is now available from:
>   <>
> or through BitTorrent:
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1c72f17bc1667a2ce81860b75135e491f6637d05&dn=bitcoin-core-0.17.0&
> This is a new major version release, including new features, various bugfixes
> and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.
> Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
>   <>
> To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:
>   <>
> How to Upgrade
> ==============
> If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has 
> completely
> shut down (which might take a few minutes for older versions), then run the
> installer (on Windows) or just copy over `/Applications/Bitcoin-Qt` (on Mac)
> or `bitcoind`/`bitcoin-qt` (on Linux).
> If your node has a txindex, the txindex db will be migrated the first time 
> you run 0.17.0 or newer, which may take up to a few hours. Your node will not 
> be functional until this migration completes.
> The first time you run version 0.15.0 or newer, your chainstate database will 
> be converted to a
> new format, which will take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour,
> depending on the speed of your machine.
> Note that the block database format also changed in version 0.8.0 and there 
> is no
> automatic upgrade code from before version 0.8 to version 0.15.0. Upgrading
> directly from 0.7.x and earlier without redownloading the blockchain is not 
> supported.
> However, as usual, old wallet versions are still supported.
> Downgrading warning
> - -------------------
> The chainstate database for this release is not compatible with previous
> releases, so if you run 0.15 and then decide to switch back to any
> older version, you will need to run the old release with the 
> `-reindex-chainstate`
> option to rebuild the chainstate data structures in the old format.
> If your node has pruning enabled, this will entail re-downloading and
> processing the entire blockchain.
> Compatibility
> ==============
> Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
> the Linux kernel, macOS 10.10+, and Windows 7 and newer (Windows XP is not 
> supported).
> Bitcoin Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
> frequently tested on them.
> - From 0.17.0 onwards macOS <10.10 is no longer supported. 0.17.0 is built 
> using Qt 5.9.x, which doesn't
> support versions of macOS older than 10.10.
> Known issues
> ============
> - - Upgrading from 0.13.0 or older currently results in memory blow-up during 
> the roll-back of blocks to the SegWit activation point. In these cases, a 
> full `-reindex` is necessary.
> - - The GUI suffers from visual glitches in the new MacOS dark mode. This has 
> to do with our Qt theme handling and is not a new problem in 0.17.0, but is 
> expected to be resolved in 0.17.1.
> Notable changes
> ===============
> Changed configuration options
> - -----------------------------
> - - `-includeconf=<file>` can be used to include additional configuration 
> files.
>   Only works inside the `bitcoin.conf` file, not inside included files or from
>   command-line. Multiple files may be included. Can be disabled from command-
>   line via `-noincludeconf`. Note that multi-argument commands like
>   `-includeconf` will override preceding `-noincludeconf`, i.e.
>   ```
>   noincludeconf=1
>   includeconf=relative.conf
>   ```
>   as bitcoin.conf will still include `relative.conf`.
> GUI changes
> - -----------
> - - Block storage can be limited under Preferences, in the Main tab. Undoing 
> this setting requires downloading the full blockchain again. This mode is 
> incompatible with -txindex and -rescan.
> External wallet files
> - ---------------------
> The `-wallet=<path>` option now accepts full paths instead of requiring 
> wallets
> to be located in the -walletdir directory.
> Newly created wallet format
> - ---------------------------
> If `-wallet=<path>` is specified with a path that does not exist, it will now
> create a wallet directory at the specified location (containing a wallet.dat
> data file, a db.log file, and database/log.?????????? files) instead of just
> creating a data file at the path and storing log files in the parent
> directory. This should make backing up wallets more straightforward than
> before because the specified wallet path can just be directly archived without
> having to look in the parent directory for transaction log files.
> For backwards compatibility, wallet paths that are names of existing data 
> files
> in the `-walletdir` directory will continue to be accepted and interpreted the
> same as before.
> Dynamic loading and creation of wallets
> - ---------------------------------------
> Previously, wallets could only be loaded or created at startup, by specifying 
> `-wallet` parameters on the command line or in the bitcoin.conf file. It is 
> now possible to load, create and unload wallets dynamically at runtime:
> - - Existing wallets can be loaded by calling the `loadwallet` RPC. The 
> wallet can be specified as file/directory basename (which must be located in 
> the `walletdir` directory), or as an absolute path to a file/directory.
> - - New wallets can be created (and loaded) by calling the `createwallet` 
> RPC. The provided name must not match a wallet file in the `walletdir` 
> directory or the name of a wallet that is currently loaded.
> - - Loaded wallets can be unloaded by calling the `unloadwallet` RPC.
> This feature is currently only available through the RPC interface.
> Coin selection
> - --------------
> ### Partial spend avoidance
> When an address is paid multiple times the coins from those separate payments 
> can be spent separately which hurts privacy due to linking otherwise separate 
> addresses. A new `-avoidpartialspends` flag has been added (default=false). 
> If enabled, the wallet will always spend existing UTXO to the same address 
> together even if it results in higher fees. If someone were to send coins to 
> an address after it was used, those coins will still be included in future 
> coin selections.
> Configuration sections for testnet and regtest
> - ----------------------------------------------
> It is now possible for a single configuration file to set different
> options for different networks. This is done by using sections or by
> prefixing the option with the network, such as:
>     main.uacomment=bitcoin
>     test.uacomment=bitcoin-testnet
>     regtest.uacomment=regtest
>     [main]
>     mempoolsize=300
>     [test]
>     mempoolsize=100
>     [regtest]
>     mempoolsize=20
> If the following options are not in a section, they will only apply to 
> mainnet:
> `addnode=`, `connect=`, `port=`, `bind=`, `rpcport=`, `rpcbind=` and 
> `wallet=`.
> The options to choose a network (`regtest=` and `testnet=`) must be specified
> outside of sections.
> 'label' and 'account' APIs for wallet
> - -------------------------------------
> A new 'label' API has been introduced for the wallet. This is intended as a
> replacement for the deprecated 'account' API. The 'account' can continue to
> be used in V0.17 by starting bitcoind with the '-deprecatedrpc=accounts'
> argument, and will be fully removed in V0.18.
> The label RPC methods mirror the account functionality, with the following 
> functional differences:
> - - Labels can be set on any address, not just receiving addresses. This 
> functionality was previously only available through the GUI.
> - - Labels can be deleted by reassigning all addresses using the `setlabel` 
> RPC method.
> - - There isn't support for sending transactions _from_ a label, or for 
> determining which label a transaction was sent from.
> - - Labels do not have a balance.
> Here are the changes to RPC methods:
> | Deprecated Method       | New Method            | Notes       |
> | :---------------------- | :-------------------- | :-----------|
> | `getaccount`            | `getaddressinfo`      | `getaddressinfo` returns 
> a json object with address information instead of just the name of the 
> account as a string. |
> | `getaccountaddress`     | n/a                   | There is no replacement 
> for `getaccountaddress` since labels do not have an associated receive 
> address. |
> | `getaddressesbyaccount` | `getaddressesbylabel` | `getaddressesbylabel` 
> returns a json object with the addresses as keys, instead of a list of 
> strings. |
> | `getreceivedbyaccount`  | `getreceivedbylabel`  | _no change in behavior_ |
> | `listaccounts`          | `listlabels`          | `listlabels` does not 
> return a balance or accept `minconf` and `watchonly` arguments. |
> | `listreceivedbyaccount` | `listreceivedbylabel` | Both methods return new 
> `label` fields, along with `account` fields for backward compatibility. |
> | `move`                  | n/a                   | _no replacement_ |
> | `sendfrom`              | n/a                   | _no replacement_ |
> | `setaccount`            | `setlabel`            | Both methods now: 
> <ul><li>allow assigning labels to any address, instead of raising an error if 
> the address is not receiving address.<li>delete the previous label associated 
> with an address when the final address using that label is reassigned to a 
> different label, instead of making an implicit `getaccountaddress` call to 
> ensure the previous label still has a receiving address. |
> | Changed Method         | Notes   |
> | :--------------------- | :------ |
> | `addmultisigaddress`   | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. 
> Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility if running with 
> '-deprecatedrpc=accounts'. |
> | `getnewaddress`        | Renamed `account` named parameter to `label`. 
> Still accepts `account` for backward compatibility. if running with 
> '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
> | `listunspent`          | Returns new `label` fields. `account` field will 
> be returned for backward compatibility if running with 
> '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
> | `sendmany`             | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to 
> `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the empty string, 
> unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case 
> functionality is unchanged). |
> | `listtransactions`     | The `account` named parameter has been renamed to 
> `dummy`. If provided, the `dummy` parameter must be set to the string `*`, 
> unless running with the `-deprecatedrpc=accounts` argument (in which case 
> functionality is unchanged). |
> | `getbalance`           | `account`, `minconf` and `include_watchonly` 
> parameters are deprecated, and can only be used if running with 
> '-deprecatedrpc=accounts' |
> BIP 174 Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions support
> - -----------------------------------------------------
> [BIP 174 
> PSBT]( is an 
> interchange format for Bitcoin transactions that are not fully signed
> yet, together with relevant metadata to help entities work towards signing it.
> It is intended to simplify workflows where multiple parties need to cooperate 
> to
> produce a transaction. Examples include hardware wallets, multisig setups, and
> [CoinJoin]( transactions.
> ### Overall workflow
> Overall, the construction of a fully signed Bitcoin transaction goes through 
> the
> following steps:
> - - A **Creator** proposes a particular transaction to be created. He 
> constructs
>   a PSBT that contains certain inputs and outputs, but no additional metadata.
> - - For each input, an **Updater** adds information about the UTXOs being 
> spent by
>   the transaction to the PSBT.
> - - A potentially other Updater adds information about the scripts and public 
> keys
>   involved in each of the inputs (and possibly outputs) of the PSBT.
> - - **Signers** inspect the transaction and its metadata to decide whether 
> they
>   agree with the transaction. They can use amount information from the UTXOs
>   to assess the values and fees involved. If they agree, they produce a
>   partial signature for the inputs for which they have relevant key(s).
> - - A **Finalizer** is run for each input to convert the partial signatures 
> and
>   possibly script information into a final `scriptSig` and/or `scriptWitness`.
> - - An **Extractor** produces a valid Bitcoin transaction (in network format)
>   from a PSBT for which all inputs are finalized.
> Generally, each of the above (excluding Creator and Extractor) will simply
> add more and more data to a particular PSBT. In a naive workflow, they all 
> have
> to operate sequentially, passing the PSBT from one to the next, until the
> Extractor can convert it to a real transaction. In order to permit parallel
> operation, **Combiners** can be employed which merge metadata from different
> PSBTs for the same unsigned transaction.
> The names above in bold are the names of the roles defined in BIP174. They're
> useful in understanding the underlying steps, but in practice, software and
> hardware implementations will typically implement multiple roles 
> simultaneously.
> ### RPCs
> - - **`converttopsbt` (Creator)** is a utility RPC that converts an
>   unsigned raw transaction to PSBT format. It ignores existing signatures.
> - - **`createpsbt` (Creator)** is a utility RPC that takes a list of inputs 
> and
>   outputs and converts them to a PSBT with no additional information. It is
>   equivalent to calling `createrawtransaction` followed by `converttopsbt`.
> - - **`walletcreatefundedpsbt` (Creator, Updater)** is a wallet RPC that 
> creates a
>   PSBT with the specified inputs and outputs, adds additional inputs and 
> change
>   to it to balance it out, and adds relevant metadata. In particular, for 
> inputs
>   that the wallet knows about (counting towards its normal or watch-only
>   balance), UTXO information will be added. For outputs and inputs with UTXO
>   information present, key and script information will be added which the 
> wallet
>   knows about. It is equivalent to running `createrawtransaction`, followed by
>   `fundrawtransaction`, and `converttopsbt`.
> - - **`walletprocesspsbt` (Updater, Signer, Finalizer)** is a wallet RPC that 
> takes as
>   input a PSBT, adds UTXO, key, and script data to inputs and outputs that 
> miss
>   it, and optionally signs inputs. Where possible it also finalizes the 
> partial
>   signatures.
> - - **`finalizepsbt` (Finalizer, Extractor)** is a utility RPC that finalizes 
> any
>   partial signatures, and if all inputs are finalized, converts the result to 
> a
>   fully signed transaction which can be broadcast with `sendrawtransaction`.
> - - **`combinepsbt` (Combiner)** is a utility RPC that implements a Combiner. 
> It
>   can be used at any point in the workflow to merge information added to
>   different versions of the same PSBT. In particular it is useful to combine 
> the
>   output of multiple Updaters or Signers.
> - - **`decodepsbt`** is a diagnostic utility RPC which will show all 
> information in
>   a PSBT in human-readable form, as well as compute its eventual fee if known.
> Upgrading non-HD wallets to HD wallets
> - --------------------------------------
> Since Bitcoin Core 0.13.0, creating new BIP 32 Hierarchical Deterministic 
> wallets has been supported by Bitcoin Core but old non-HD wallets could not 
> be upgraded to HD. Now non-HD wallets can be upgraded to HD using the 
> `-upgradewallet` command line option. This upgrade will result in the all 
> keys in the keypool being marked as used and a new keypool generated. **A new 
> backup must be made when this upgrade is performed.**
> Additionally, `-upgradewallet` can be used to upgraded from a non-split HD 
> chain (all keys generated with `m/0'/0'/i'`) to a split HD chain (receiving 
> keys generated with `'m/0'/0'/i'` and change keys generated with 
> `m'/0'/1'/i'`). When this upgrade occurs, all keys already in the keypool 
> will remain in the keypool to be used until all keys from before the upgrade 
> are exhausted. This is to avoid issues with backups and downgrades when some 
> keys may come from the change key keypool. Users can begin using the new 
> split HD chain keypools by using the `newkeypool` RPC to mark all keys in the 
> keypool as used and begin using a new keypool generated from the split HD 
> chain.
> HD Master key rotation
> - ----------------------
> A new RPC, `sethdseed`, has been introduced which allows users to set a new 
> HD seed or set their own HD seed. This allows for a new HD seed to be used. 
> **A new backup must be made when a new HD seed is set.**
> Low-level RPC changes
> - ---------------------
> - - The new RPC `scantxoutset` can be used to scan the UTXO set for entries
>   that match certain output descriptors. Refer to the [output descriptors
>   reference documentation](doc/ for more details. This call
>   is similar to `listunspent` but does not use a wallet, meaning that the
>   wallet can be disabled at compile or run time. This call is experimental,
>   as such, is subject to changes or removal in future releases.
> - - The `createrawtransaction` RPC will now accept an array or dictionary 
> (kept for compatibility) for the `outputs` parameter. This means the order of 
> transaction outputs can be specified by the client.
> - - The `fundrawtransaction` RPC will reject the previously deprecated 
> `reserveChangeKey` option.
> - - `sendmany` now shuffles outputs to improve privacy, so any previously 
> expected behavior with regards to output ordering can no longer be relied 
> upon.
> - - The new RPC `testmempoolaccept` can be used to test acceptance of a 
> transaction to the mempool without adding it.
> - - JSON transaction decomposition now includes a `weight` field which 
> provides
>   the transaction's exact weight. This is included in REST /rest/tx/ and
>   /rest/block/ endpoints when in json mode. This is also included in 
> `getblock`
>   (with verbosity=2), `listsinceblock`, `listtransactions`, and
>   `getrawtransaction` RPC commands.
> - - New `fees` field introduced in `getrawmempool`, `getmempoolancestors`, 
> `getmempooldescendants` and
>    `getmempoolentry` when verbosity is set to `true` with sub-fields 
> `ancestor`, `base`, `modified`
>    and `descendant` denominated in BTC. This new field deprecates previous 
> fee fields, such as
>    `fee`, `modifiedfee`, `ancestorfee` and `descendantfee`.
> - - The new RPC `getzmqnotifications` returns information about active ZMQ
>   notifications.
> - - When bitcoin is not started with any `-wallet=<path>` options, the name of
>   the default wallet returned by `getwalletinfo` and `listwallets` RPCs is
>   now the empty string `""` instead of `"wallet.dat"`. If bitcoin is started
>   with any `-wallet=<path>` options, there is no change in behavior, and the
>   name of any wallet is just its `<path>` string.
> - - Passing an empty string (`""`) as the `address_type` parameter to
>   `getnewaddress`, `getrawchangeaddress`, `addmultisigaddress`,
>   `fundrawtransaction` RPCs is now an error. Previously, this would fall back
>   to using the default address type. It is still possible to pass null or 
> leave
>   the parameter unset to use the default address type.
> - - Bare multisig outputs to our keys are no longer automatically treated as
>   incoming payments. As this feature was only available for multisig outputs 
> for
>   which you had all private keys in your wallet, there was generally no use 
> for
>   them compared to single-key schemes. Furthermore, no address format for such
>   outputs is defined, and wallet software can't easily send to it. These 
> outputs
>   will no longer show up in `listtransactions`, `listunspent`, or contribute 
> to
>   your balance, unless they are explicitly watched (using `importaddress` or
>   `importmulti` with hex script argument). `signrawtransaction*` also still
>   works for them.
> - - The `getwalletinfo` RPC method now returns an `hdseedid` value, which is 
> always the same as the incorrectly-named `hdmasterkeyid` value. 
> `hdmasterkeyid` will be removed in V0.18.
> - - The `getaddressinfo` RPC method now returns an `hdseedid` value, which is 
> always the same as the incorrectly-named `hdmasterkeyid` value. 
> `hdmasterkeyid` will be removed in V0.18.
> - - Parts of the `validateaddress` RPC method have been deprecated and moved 
> to
>   `getaddressinfo`. Clients must transition to using `getaddressinfo` to 
> access
>   this information before upgrading to v0.18. The following deprecated fields
>   have moved to `getaddressinfo` and will only be shown with
>   `-deprecatedrpc=validateaddress`: `ismine`, `iswatchonly`, `script`, `hex`,
>   `pubkeys`, `sigsrequired`, `pubkey`, `addresses`, `embedded`, 
> `iscompressed`,
>   `account`, `timestamp`, `hdkeypath`, `hdmasterkeyid`.
> - - `signrawtransaction` is deprecated and will be fully removed in v0.18. To 
> use
>   `signrawtransaction` in v0.17, restart bitcoind with
>   `-deprecatedrpc=signrawtransaction`. Projects should transition to using
>   `signrawtransactionwithkey` and `signrawtransactionwithwallet` before
>   upgrading to v0.18.
> Other API changes
> - -----------------
> - - The `inactivehdmaster` property in the `dumpwallet` output has been 
> corrected to `inactivehdseed`
> ### Logging
> - - The log timestamp format is now ISO 8601 (e.g. "2018-02-28T12:34:56Z").
> - - When running bitcoind with `-debug` but without `-daemon`, logging to 
> stdout
>   is now the default behavior. Setting `-printtoconsole=1` no longer 
> implicitly
>   disables logging to debug.log. Instead, logging to file can be explicitly 
> disabled
>   by setting `-debuglogfile=0`.
> Transaction index changes
> - -------------------------
> The transaction index is now built separately from the main node procedure,
> meaning the `-txindex` flag can be toggled without a full reindex. If bitcoind
> is run with `-txindex` on a node that is already partially or fully synced
> without one, the transaction index will be built in the background and become
> available once caught up. When switching from running `-txindex` to running
> without the flag, the transaction index database will *not* be deleted
> automatically, meaning it could be turned back on at a later time without a 
> full
> resync.
> Miner block size removed
> - ------------------------
> The `-blockmaxsize` option for miners to limit their blocks' sizes was
> deprecated in V0.15.1, and has now been removed. Miners should use the
> `-blockmaxweight` option if they want to limit the weight of their blocks.
> Python Support
> - --------------
> Support for Python 2 has been discontinued for all test files and tools.
> 0.17.0 change log
> =================
> ### Consensus
> - - #12204 `3fa24bb` Fix overly eager BIP30 bypass (morcos)
> ### Policy
> - - #12568 `ed6ae80` Allow dustrelayfee to be set to zero (luke-jr)
> - - #13120 `ca2a233` Treat segwit as always active (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13096 `062738c` Fix `MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT` check (jl2012)
> ### Mining
> - - #12693 `df529dc` Remove unused variable in SortForBlock (drewx2)
> - - #12448 `84efa9a` Interrupt block generation on shutdown request (promag)
> ### Block and transaction handling
> - - #12225 `67447ba` Mempool cleanups (sdaftuar)
> - - #12356 `fd65937` Fix 'mempool min fee not met' debug output (Empact)
> - - #12287 `bf3353d` Optimise lock behaviour for GuessVerificationProgress() 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #11889 `47a7666` Drop extra script variable in ProduceSignature 
> (ryanofsky)
> - - #11880 `d59b8d6` Stop special-casing phashBlock handling in validation 
> for TBV (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #12431 `947c25e` Only call NotifyBlockTip when chainActive changes 
> (jamesob)
> - - #12653 `534b8fa` Allow to optional specify the directory for the blocks 
> storage (jonasschnelli)
> - - #12172 `3b62a91` Bugfix: RPC: savemempool: Don't save until LoadMempool() 
> is finished (jtimon)
> - - #12167 `88430cb` Make segwit failure due to `CLEANSTACK` violation return 
> a `SCRIPT_ERR_CLEANSTACK` error code (maaku)
> - - #12561 `24133b1` Check for block corruption in ConnectBlock() (sdaftuar)
> - - #11617 `1b5723e` Avoid lock: Call FlushStateToDisk(…) regardless of 
> fCheckForPruning (practicalswift)
> - - #11739 `0a8b7b4` Enforce `SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH` and `SCRIPT_VERIFY_WITNESS` 
> from genesis (sdaftuar)
> - - #12885 `a49381d` Reduce implementation code inside CScript (sipa)
> - - #13032 `34dd1a6` Output values for "min relay fee not met" error 
> (kristapsk)
> - - #13033 `a07e8ca` Build txindex in parallel with validation (jimpo)
> - - #13080 `66cc47b` Add compile time checking for ::mempool.cs runtime 
> locking assertions (practicalswift)
> - - #13185 `08c1caf` Bugfix: the end of a reorged chain is invalid when 
> connect fails (sipa)
> - - #11689 `0264836` Fix missing locking in CTxMemPool::check(…) and 
> CTxMemPool::setSanityCheck(…) (practicalswift)
> - - #13011 `3c2a41a` Cache witness hash in CTransaction (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13191 `0de7cc8` Specialized double-SHA256 with 64 byte inputs with 
> SSE4.1 and AVX2 (sipa)
> - - #13243 `ea263e1` Make reusable base class for auxiliary indices (jimpo)
> - - #13393 `a607d23` Enable double-SHA256-for-64-byte code on 32-bit x86 
> (sipa)
> - - #13428 `caabdea` validation: check the specified number of blocks 
> (off-by-one) (kallewoof)
> - - #13438 `450055b` Improve coverage of SHA256 SelfTest code (sipa)
> - - #13431 `954f4a9` validation: count blocks correctly for check level < 3 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13386 `3a3eabe` SHA256 implementations based on Intel SHA Extensions 
> (sipa)
> - - #11658 `9a1ad2c` During IBD, when doing pruning, prune 10% extra to avoid 
> pruning again soon after (luke-jr)
> - - #13794 `8ce55df` chainparams: Update with data from assumed valid chain 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13527 `e7ea858` Remove promiscuousmempoolflags (MarcoFalke)
> ### P2P protocol and network code
> - - #12342 `eaeaa2d` Extend #11583 ("Do not make it trivial for inbound peers 
> to generate log entries") to include "version handshake timeout" message 
> (clemtaylor)
> - - #12218 `9a32114` Move misbehaving logging to net logging category (laanwj)
> - - #10387 `5c2aff8` Eventually connect to `NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED` peers 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #9037 `a36834f` Add test-before-evict discipline to addrman (EthanHeilman)
> - - #12622 `e1d6e2a` Correct addrman logging (laanwj)
> - - #11962 `0a01843` add to DNS seeds (Sjors)
> - - #12569 `23e7fe8` Increase signal-to-noise ratio in debug.log by adjusting 
> log level when logging failed non-manual connect():s (practicalswift)
> - - #12855 `c199869` Minor accumulated cleanups (tjps)
> - - #13153 `ef46c99` Add missing newlines to debug logging (laanwj)
> - - #13162 `a174702` Don't incorrectly log that REJECT messages are unknown 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13151 `7f4db9a` Serve blocks directly from disk when possible (laanwj)
> - - #13134 `70d3541` Add option `-enablebip61` to configure sending of BIP61 
> notifications (laanwj)
> - - #13532 `7209fec` Log warning when deprecated network name 'tor' is used 
> (wodry)
> - - #13615 `172f984` Remove unused interrupt from SendMessages (fanquake)
> - - #13417 `1e90862` Tighten scope in `net_processing` (skeees)
> - - #13298 `f8d470e` Bucketing INV delays (1 bucket) for incoming connections 
> to hide tx time (naumenkogs)
> - - #13672 `0d8d6be` Modified `in_addr6` cast in CConman class to work with 
> msvc (sipsorcery)
> - - #11637 `c575260` Remove dead service bits code (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13212 `a6f00ce` Fixed a race condition when disabling the network 
> (lmanners)
> - - #13656 `1211b15` Remove the boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp 
> dependency (251Labs)
> - - #13423 `f58674a` Thread safety annotations in `net_processing` (skeees)
> - - #13776 `7d36237` Add missing verification of IPv6 address in 
> CNetAddr::GetIn6Addr(…) (practicalswift)
> - - #13907 `48bf8ff` Introduce a maximum size for locators (gmaxwell)
> - - #13951 `8a9ffec` Hardcoded seeds update pre-0.17 branch (laanwj)
> ### Wallet
> - - #12330 `2a30e67` Reduce scope of `cs_main` and `cs_wallet` locks in 
> listtransactions (promag)
> - - #12298 `a1ffddb` Refactor HaveKeys to early return on false result 
> (promag)
> - - #12282 `663911e` Disallow abandon of conflicted txes (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12333 `d405bee` Make CWallet::ListCoins atomic (promag)
> - - #12296 `8e6f9f4` Only fee-bump non-conflicted/non-confirmed txes 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #11866 `6bb9c13` Do not un-mark fInMempool on wallet txn if ATMP fails 
> (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #11882 `987a809` Disable default fallbackfee on mainnet (jonasschnelli)
> - - #9991 `4ca7c1e` listreceivedbyaddress Filter Address (NicolasDorier)
> - - #11687 `98bc27f` External wallet files (ryanofsky)
> - - #12658 `af88094` Sanitize some wallet serialization (sipa)
> - - #9680 `6acd870` Unify CWalletTx construction (ryanofsky)
> - - #10637 `e057589` Coin Selection with Murch's algorithm (achow101, Xekyo)
> - - #12408 `c39dd2e` Change output type globals to members (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12694 `9552dfb` Actually disable BnB when there are preset inputs 
> (achow101)
> - - #11536 `cead84b` Rename account to label where appropriate (ryanofsky)
> - - #12709 `02b7e83` shuffle sendmany recipients ordering (instagibbs)
> - - #12699 `c948dc8` Shuffle transaction inputs before signing (instagibbs)
> - - #10762 `6d53663` Remove Wallet dependencies from init.cpp (jnewbery)
> - - #12857 `821980c` Avoid travis lint-include-guards error (ken2812221)
> - - #12702 `dab0d68` importprivkey: hint about importmulti (kallewoof)
> - - #12836 `9abdb7c` Make WalletInitInterface and DummyWalletInit private, 
> fix nullptr deref (promag)
> - - #12785 `215158a` Initialize `m_last_block_processed` to nullptr 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #12932 `8d651ae` Remove redundant lambda function arg in 
> handleTransactionChanged (laanwj)
> - - #12749 `a84b056` feebumper: discard change outputs below discard rate 
> (instagibbs)
> - - #12892 `9b3370d` introduce 'label' API for wallet (jnewbery)
> - - #12925 `6d3de17` Logprint the start of a rescan (jonasschnelli)
> - - #12888 `39439e5` debug log number of unknown wallet records on load 
> (instagibbs)
> - - #12977 `434150a` Refactor `g_wallet_init_interface` to const reference 
> (promag)
> - - #13017 `65d7083` Add wallets management functions (promag)
> - - #12953 `d1d54ae` Deprecate accounts (jnewbery)
> - - #12909 `476cb35` Make fee settings to be non-static members (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13002 `487dcbe` Do not treat bare multisig outputs as IsMine unless 
> watched (sipa)
> - - #13028 `783bb64` Make vpwallets usage thread safe (promag)
> - - #12507 `2afdc29` Interrupt rescan on shutdown request (promag)
> - - #12729 `979150b` Get rid of ambiguous OutputType::NONE value (ryanofsky)
> - - #13079 `5778d44` Fix rescanblockchain rpc to properly report progress 
> (Empact)
> - - #12560 `e03c0db` Upgrade path for non-HD wallets to HD (achow101)
> - - #13161 `7cc1bd3` Reset BerkeleyDB handle after connection fails 
> (real-or-random)
> - - #13081 `0dec5b5` Add compile time checking for `cs_wallet` runtime 
> locking assertions (practicalswift)
> - - #13127 `19a3a9e` Add Clang thread safety annotations for variables 
> guarded by `cs_db` (practicalswift)
> - - #10740 `4cfe17c` `loadwallet` RPC - load wallet at runtime (jnewbery)
> - - #12924 `6738813` Fix hdmaster-key / seed-key confusion (scripted diff) 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13297 `d82c5d1` Fix incorrect comment for DeriveNewSeed (jnewbery)
> - - #13063 `6378eef` Use shared pointer to retain wallet instance (promag)
> - - #13142 `56fe3dc` Separate IsMine from solvability (sipa)
> - - #13194 `fd96d54` Remove template matching and pseudo opcodes (sipa)
> - - #13252 `c4cc8d9` Refactor ReserveKeyFromKeyPool for safety (Empact)
> - - #13058 `343d4e4` `createwallet` RPC - create new wallet at runtime 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13351 `2140f6c` Prevent segfault when sending to unspendable witness 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13060 `3f0f394` Remove getlabeladdress RPC (jnewbery)
> - - #13111 `000abbb` Add unloadwallet RPC (promag)
> - - #13160 `868cf43` Unlock spent outputs (promag)
> - - #13498 `f54f373` Fixups from account API deprecation (jnewbery)
> - - #13491 `61a044a` Improve handling of INVALID in IsMine (sipa)
> - - #13425 `028b0d9` Moving final scriptSig construction from 
> CombineSignatures to ProduceSignature (PSBT signer logic) (achow101)
> - - #13564 `88a15eb` loadwallet shouldn't create new wallets (jnewbery)
> - - #12944 `619cd29` ScanforWalletTransactions should mark input txns as 
> dirty (instagibbs)
> - - #13630 `d6b2235` Drop unused pindexRet arg to 
> CMerkleTx::GetDepthInMainChain (Empact)
> - - #13566 `ad552a5` Fix get balance (jnewbery)
> - - #13500 `4a3e8c5` Decouple wallet version from client version (achow101)
> - - #13712 `aba2e66` Fix non-determinism in ParseHDKeypath(…). Avoid using an 
> uninitialized variable in path calculation (practicalswift)
> - - #9662 `6b6e854` Add createwallet "disableprivatekeys" option: a sane mode 
> for watchonly-wallets (jonasschnelli)
> - - #13683 `e8c7434` Introduce assertion to document the assumption that 
> cache and cache_used are always set in tandem (practicalswift)
> - - #12257 `5f7575e` Use destination groups instead of coins in coin select 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13773 `89a116d` Fix accidental use of the comma operator (practicalswift)
> - - #13805 `c88529a` Correctly limit output group size (sdaftuar)
> - - #12992 `26f59f5` Add wallet name to log messages (PierreRochard)
> - - #13667 `b81a8a5` Fix backupwallet for multiwallets (domob1812)
> - - #13657 `51c693d` assert to ensure accuracy of 
> CMerkleTx::GetBlocksToMaturity (Empact)
> - - #13812 `9d86aad` sum ancestors rather than taking max in output groups 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13876 `8eb9870` Catch `filesystem_error` and raise `InitError` 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13808 `13d51a2` shuffle coins before grouping, where warranted 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13666 `2115cba` Always create signatures with Low R values (achow101)
> - - #13917 `0333914` Additional safety checks in PSBT signer (sipa)
> - - #13968 `65e7a8b` couple of walletcreatefundedpsbt fixes (instagibbs)
> - - #14055 `2307a6e` fix walletcreatefundedpsbt deriv paths, add test 
> (instagibbs)
> ### RPC and other APIs
> - - #12336 `3843780` Remove deprecated rpc options (jnewbery)
> - - #12193 `5dc00f6` Consistently use UniValue.pushKV instead of 
> push_back(Pair()) (karel-3d) (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12409 `0cc45ed` Reject deprecated reserveChangeKey in fundrawtransaction 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #10583 `8a98dfe` Split part of validateaddress into getaddressinfo 
> (achow101)
> - - #10579 `ffc6e48` Split signrawtransaction into wallet and non-wallet RPC 
> command (achow101)
> - - #12494 `e4ffcac` Declare CMutableTransaction a struct in rawtransaction.h 
> (Empact)
> - - #12503 `0e26591` createmultisig no longer takes addresses (instagibbs)
> - - #12083 `228b086` Improve getchaintxstats test coverage (promag)
> - - #12479 `cd5e438` Add child transactions to getrawmempool verbose output 
> (conscott)
> - - #11872 `702e8b7` createrawtransaction: Accept sorted outputs (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12700 `ebdf84c` Document RPC method aliasing (ryanofsky)
> - - #12727 `8ee5c7b` Remove unreachable help conditions in rpcwallet.cpp 
> (lutangar)
> - - #12778 `b648974` Add username and ip logging for RPC method requests 
> (GabrielDav)
> - - #12717 `ac898b6` rest: Handle utxo retrieval when ignoring the mempool 
> (romanz)
> - - #12787 `cd99e5b` Adjust ifdef to avoid unreachable code (practicalswift)
> - - #11742 `18815b4` Add testmempoolaccept (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12942 `fefb817` Drop redundant testing of signrawtransaction prevtxs 
> args (Empact)
> - - #11200 `5f2a399` Allow for aborting rescans in the GUI (achow101)
> - - #12791 `3a8a4dc` Expose a transaction's weight via RPC (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #12436 `6e67754` Adds a functional test to validate the transaction 
> version number in the RPC output (251Labs)
> - - #12240 `6f8b345` Introduced a new `fees` structure that aggregates all 
> sub-field fee types denominated in BTC (mryandao)
> - - #12321 `eac067a` p2wsh and p2sh-p2wsh address in decodescript (fivepiece)
> - - #13090 `17266a1` Remove Safe mode (achow101, laanwj)
> - - #12639 `7eb7076` Reduce `cs_main` lock in listunspent (promag)
> - - #10267 `7b966d9` New -includeconf argument for including external 
> configuration files (kallewoof)
> - - #10757 `b9551d3` Introduce getblockstats to plot things (jtimon)
> - - #13288 `a589f53` Remove the need to include rpc/blockchain.cpp in order 
> to put `GetDifficulty` under test (Empact)
> - - #13394 `e1f8dce` cli: Ignore libevent warnings (theuni)
> - - #13439 `3f398d7` Avoid "duplicate" return value for invalid submitblock 
> (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #13570 `a247594` Add new "getzmqnotifications" method (domob1812)
> - - #13072 `b25a4c2` Update createmultisig RPC to support segwit (ajtowns)
> - - #12196 `8fceae0` Add scantxoutset RPC method (jonasschnelli)
> - - #13557 `b654723` BIP 174 PSBT Serializations and RPCs (achow101)
> - - #13697 `f030410` Support output descriptors in scantxoutset (sipa)
> - - #13927 `bced8ea` Use pushKV in some new PSBT RPCs (domob1812)
> - - #13918 `a9c56b6` Replace median fee rate with feerate percentiles in 
> getblockstats (marcinja)
> - - #13721 `9f23c16` Bugfixes for BIP 174 combining and deserialization 
> (achow101)
> - - #13960 `517010e` Fix PSBT deserialization of 0-input transactions 
> (achow101)
> ### GUI
> - - #12416 `c997f88` Fix Windows build errors introduced in #10498 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #11733 `e782099` Remove redundant locks (practicalswift)
> - - #12426 `bfa3911` Initialize members in WalletModel (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12489 `e117cfe` Bugfix: respect user defined configuration file (-conf) 
> in QT settings (jonasschnelli)
> - - #12421 `be263fa` navigate to  transaction history page after send (Sjors)
> - - #12580 `ce56fdd` Show a transaction's virtual size in its details dialog 
> (dooglus)
> - - #12501 `c8ea91a` Improved "custom fee" explanation in tooltip (randolf)
> - - #12616 `cff95a6` Set modal overlay hide button as default (promag)
> - - #12620 `8a43bdc` Remove TransactionTableModel::TxIDRole (promag)
> - - #12080 `56cc022` Add support to search the address book (promag)
> - - #12621 `2bac3e4` Avoid querying unnecessary model data when filtering 
> transactions (promag)
> - - #12721 `e476826` remove "new" button during receive-mode in addressbook 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #12723 `310dc61` Qt5: Warning users about invalid-BIP21 URI bitcoin:// 
> (krab)
> - - #12610 `25cf18f` Multiwallet for the GUI (jonasschnelli)
> - - #12779 `f4353da` Remove unused method setupAmountWidget(…) 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #12795 `68484d6` do not truncate .dat extension for wallets in gui 
> (instagibbs)
> - - #12870 `1d54004` make clean removes `src/qt/moc_` files (Sjors)
> - - #13055 `bdda14d` Don't log to console by default (laanwj)
> - - #13141 `57c57df` fixes broken link on readme (marcoagner)
> - - #12928 `ef006d9` Initialize non-static class members that were previously 
> neither initialized where defined nor in constructor (practicalswift)
> - - #13158 `81c533c` Improve sendcoinsdialog readability (marcoagner)
> - - #11491 `40c34a0` Add proxy icon in statusbar (mess110)
> - - #13264 `2a7c53b` Satoshi unit (GreatSock)
> - - #13097 `e545503` Support wallets loaded dynamically (promag)
> - - #13284 `f8be434` fix visual "overflow" of amount input (brandonrninefive)
> - - #13275 `a315b79` use `[default wallet]` as name for wallet with no name 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #13273 `3fd0c23` Qt/Bugfix: fix handling default wallet with no name 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #13341 `25d2df2` Stop translating command line options (laanwj)
> - - #13043 `6e249e4` OptionsDialog: add prune setting (Sjors)
> - - #13506 `6579d80` load wallet in UI after possible init aborts 
> (jonasschnelli)
> - - #13458 `dc53f7f` Drop qt4 support (laanwj)
> - - #13528 `b877c39` Move BitcoinGUI initializers to class, fix initializer 
> order warning (laanwj)
> - - #13536 `baf3a3a` coincontrol: Remove unused qt4 workaround (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13537 `10ffca7` Peer table: Visualize inbound/outbound state for every 
> row (wodry)
> - - #13791 `2c14c1f` Reject dialogs if key escape is pressed (promag)
> ### Build system
> - - #12371 `c9ca4f6` Add gitian PGP key: akx20000 (ghost)
> - - #11966 `f4f4f51` clientversion: Use full commit hash for commit-based 
> version descriptions (luke-jr)
> - - #12417 `ae0fbf0` Upgrade `mac_alias` to 2.0.7 (droark)
> - - #12444 `1f055ef` gitian: Bump descriptors for (0.)17 (theuni)
> - - #12402 `59e032b` expat 2.2.5, ccache 3.4.1, miniupnpc 2.0.20180203 
> (fanquake)
> - - #12029 `daa84b3` Add a makefile target for Doxygen documentation 
> (Ov3rlo4d)
> - - #12466 `6645eaf` Only use `D_DARWIN_C_SOURCE` when building miniupnpc on 
> darwin (fanquake)
> - - #11986 `765a3eb` zeromq 4.2.3 (fanquake)
> - - #12373 `f13d756` Add build support for profiling (murrayn)
> - - #12631 `a312e20` gitian: Alphabetize signing keys & add kallewoof key 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #12607 `29fad97` Remove ccache (fanquake)
> - - #12625 `c4219ff` biplist 1.0.3 (fanquake)
> - - #12666 `05042d3` configure: UniValue 1.0.4 is required for pushKV(, bool) 
> (luke-jr)
> - - #12678 `6324c68` Fix a few compilation issues with Clang 7 and -Werror 
> (vasild)
> - - #12692 `de6bdfd` Add configure options for various -fsanitize flags 
> (eklitzke)
> - - #12901 `7e23972` Show enabled sanitizers in configure output 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #12899 `3076993` macOS: Prevent Xcode 9.3 build warnings (AkioNak)
> - - #12715 `8fd6243` Add 'make clean' rule (hkjn)
> - - #13133 `a024a18` Remove python2 from (ken2812221)
> - - #13005 `cb088b1` Make --enable-debug to pick better options 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13254 `092b366` Remove improper `qt/moc_*` cleaning glob from the 
> general Makefile (Empact)
> - - #13306 `f5a7733` split warnings out of CXXFLAGS (theuni)
> - - #13385 `7c7508c` Guard against accidental introduction of new Boost 
> dependencies (practicalswift)
> - - #13041 `5779dc4` Add linter checking for accidental introduction of 
> locale dependence (practicalswift)
> - - #13408 `70a03c6` crypto: cleanup sha256 build (theuni)
> - - #13435 `cf7ca60` When build fails due to lib missing, indicate which one 
> (Empact)
> - - #13445 `8eb76f3` Reset default -g -O2 flags when enable debug (ken2812221)
> - - #13465 `81069a7` Avoid concurrency issue when make multiple target 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13454 `45c00f8` Make sure `LC_ALL=C` is set in all shell scripts 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13480 `31145a3` Avoid copies in range-for loops and add a warning to 
> detect them (theuni)
> - - #13486 `66e1a08` Move rpc/util.cpp from libbitcoin-util to 
> libbitcoin-server (ken2812221)
> - - #13580 `40334c7` Detect if char equals `int8_t` (ken2812221)
> - - #12788 `287e4ed` Tune wildcards for LIBSECP256K1 target (kallewoof)
> - - #13611 `b55f0c3` bugfix: Use `__cpuid_count` for gnu C to avoid gitian 
> build fail (ken2812221)
> - - #12971 `a6d14b1` Upgrade Qt to 5.9.6 (TheCharlatan)
> - - #13543 `6c6a300` Add RISC-V support (laanwj)
> - - #13177 `dcb154e` GCC-7 and glibc-2.27 back compat code (ken2812221)
> - - #13659 `90b1c7e` add missing leveldb defines (theuni)
> - - #13368 `c0f1569` Update for docker (achow101)
> - - #13171 `19d8ca5` Change gitian-descriptors to use bionic instead 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13604 `75bea05` Add depends 32-bit arm support for bitcoin-qt 
> (TheCharlatan)
> - - #13623 `9cdb19f` Migrate to python (ken2812221)
> - - #13689 `8c36432` disable Werror when building zmq (greenaddress)
> - - #13617 `cf7f9ae` release: Require macos 10.10+ (fanquake)
> - - #13750 `c883653` use MacOS friendly sed syntax in (Sjors)
> - - #13095 `415f2bf` update `ax_boost_chrono`/`unit_test_framework` (fanquake)
> - - #13732 `e8ffec6` Fix Qt's rcc determinism (Fuzzbawls)
> - - #13782 `8284f1d` Fix osslsigncode compile issue in gitian-build 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13696 `2ab7208` Add aarch64 qt depends support for cross compiling 
> bitcoin-qt (TheCharlatan)
> - - #13705 `b413ba0` Add format string linter (practicalswift)
> - - #14000 `48c8459` fix qt determinism (theuni)
> - - #14018 `3e4829a` Bugfix: NSIS: Exclude `Makefile*` from docs (luke-jr)
> - - #12906 `048ac83` Avoid `interface` keyword to fix windows gitian build 
> (ryanofsky)
> - - #13314 `a9b6957` Fix FreeBSD build by including utilstrencodings.h 
> (laanwj)
> ### Tests and QA
> - - #12252 `8d57319` Require all tests to follow naming convention (ajtowns)
> - - #12295 `935eb8d` Enable flake8 warnings for all currently non-violated 
> rules (practicalswift)
> - - #11858 `b4d8549` Prepare tests for Windows (MarcoFalke)
> - - #11771 `2dbc4a4` Change invalidtxrequest to use BitcoinTestFramework 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #12200 `d09968f` Bind functional test nodes to (Sjors)
> - - #12425 `26dc2da` Add some script tests (richardkiss)
> - - #12455 `23481fa` Fix bip68 sequence test to reflect updated rpc error 
> message (Empact)
> - - #12477 `acd1e61` Plug memory leaks and stack-use-after-scope (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12443 `07090c5` Move common args to bitcoin.conf (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12570 `39dcac2` Add test cases for HexStr (`std::reverse_iterator` and 
> corner cases) (kostaz)
> - - #12582 `6012f1c` Fix ListCoins test failure due to unset 
> `g_wallet_allow_fallback_fee` (ryanofsky)
> - - #12516 `7f99964` Avoid unintentional unsigned integer wraparounds in 
> tests (practicalswift)
> - - #12512 `955fd23` Don't test against the mempool min fee information in 
> (Empact)
> - - #12600 `29088b1` Add a test for large tx output scripts with segwit input 
> (richardkiss)
> - - #12627 `791c3ea` Fix some tests to work on native windows (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12405 `0f58d7f` travis: Full clone for git subtree check (MarcoFalke)
> - - #11772 `0630974` Change invalidblockrequest to use BitcoinTestFramework 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #12681 `1846296` Fix ComputeTimeSmart test failure with 
> `-DDEBUG_LOCKORDER` (ryanofsky)
> - - #12682 `9f04c8e` travis: Clone depth 1 unless `$check_doc` (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12710 `00d1680` Append scripts to new `test_list` array to fix bad 
> assignment (jeffrade)
> - - #12720 `872c921` Avoiding 'file' function name from python2 (jeffrade)
> - - #12728 `4ba3d4f` rename TestNode to TestP2PConn in tests (jnewbery)
> - - #12746 `2405ce1` Remove unused argument `max_invalid` from 
> `check_estimates(…)` (practicalswift)
> - - #12718 `185d484` Require exact match in `assert_start_raises_init_eror` 
> (jnewbery, MarcoFalke)
> - - #12076 `6d36f59` Use node.datadir instead of tmpdir in test framework 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12772 `b43aba8` ci: Bump travis timeout for make check to 50m (jnewbery)
> - - #12806 `18606eb` Fix function names in `feature_blocksdir` (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12811 `0d8fc8d` Make summary row bold-red if any test failed and show 
> failed tests at end of table (laanwj)
> - - #12790 `490644d` Use blockmaxweight where tests previously had 
> blockmaxsize (conscott)
> - - #11773 `f0f9732` Change `` to use BitcoinTestFramework 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #12839 `40f4baf` Remove travis checkout depth (laanwj)
> - - #11817 `2a09a78` Change `` to use 
> BitcoinTestFramework (jnewbery)
> - - #12284 `fa5825d` Remove assigned but never used local variables. Enable 
> Travis checking for unused local variables (practicalswift)
> - - #12719 `9beded5` Add note about test suite naming convention in 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #12861 `c564424` Stop `` from blowing up memory (jnewbery)
> - - #12851 `648252e` travis: Run verify-commits only on cron jobs (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12853 `2106c4c` Match full plain text by default (MarcoFalke)
> - - #11818 `9a2db3b` I accidentally (deliberately) killed it (the 
> ComparisonTestFramework) (jnewbery)
> - - #12766 `69310a3` Tidy up REST interface functional tests (romanz)
> - - #12849 `83c7533` Add logging in loops in `` (ccdle12)
> - - #12895 `d6f10b2` Add note about test suite name uniqueness requirement to 
> developer notes (practicalswift)
> - - #12856 `27278df` Add Metaclass for BitcoinTestFramework (WillAyd)
> - - #12918 `6fc5a05` Assert on correct variable (kallewoof)
> - - #11878 `a04440f` Add Travis check for duplicate includes (practicalswift)
> - - #12917 `cf8073f` Windows fixups for functional tests (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12926 `dd1ca9e` Run unit tests in parallel (sipa)
> - - #12920 `b1fdfc1` Fix sign for expected values (kallewoof)
> - - #12947 `979f598` Wallet hd functional test speedup and clarification 
> (instagibbs)
> - - #12993 `0d69921` Remove compatibility code not needed now when we're on 
> Python 3 (practicalswift)
> - - #12996 `6a278e0` Remove redundant bytes(…) calls (practicalswift)
> - - #12949 `6b46288` Avoid copies of CTransaction (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13007 `0d12570` Fix dangling wallet pointer in vpwallets (promag)
> - - #13048 `cac6d11` Fix `feature_block` flakiness (jnewbery)
> - - #12510 `d5b2e98` Add `rpc_bind` test to default-run tests (laanwj)
> - - #13022 `896a9d0` Attach node index to `test_node` AssertionError and 
> print messages (jamesob)
> - - #13024 `018c7e5` Add rpcauth pair that generated by 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13013 `a0079d4` bench: Amend `mempool_eviction` test for witness txs 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13051 `e074097` Normalize executable location (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13056 `106d929` Make testable and add unit tests (nixbox)
> - - #13073 `a785bc3` add rpcauth-test to `AC_CONFIG_LINKS` to fix out-of-tree 
> make check (laanwj)
> - - #12830 `25ad2f7` Clarify address book error messages, add tests (jamesob)
> - - #13082 `24106a8` don't test against min relay fee information in 
> `` (kristapsk)
> - - #13003 `8d045a0` Add test for orphan handling (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13105 `9e9b48d` Add --failfast option to functional test runner (jamesob)
> - - #13130 `3186ad4` Fix race in `` (jnewbery)
> - - #13136 `baf6b4e` Fix flake8 warnings in several wallet functional tests 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13094 `bf9b03d` Add test for 64-bit Windows PE, modify 32-bit test 
> results (ken2812221)
> - - #13183 `9458b05` travis: New travis job for `check_docs` steps (glaksmono)
> - - #12265 `1834d4d` fundrawtransaction: lock watch-only shared address 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13188 `4a50ec0` Remove unused option --srcdir (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12755 `612ba35` Better stderr testing (jnewbery)
> - - #13198 `196c5a9` Avoid printing to console during cache creation 
> (sdaftuar)
> - - #13075 `cb9bbf7` Remove 'account' API from wallet functional tests 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13221 `ffa86af` travis: Rename the build stage `check_doc` to `lint` 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13205 `3cbd25f` Remove spurious error log in `` (jnewbery)
> - - #13291 `536120e` Don't include torcontrol.cpp into the test file (Empact)
> - - #13281 `2ac6315` Move linters to test/lint, add readme (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13215 `f8a29ca` travis: Build tests on ubuntu 18.04 with docker 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13349 `24f7011` bench: Don't return a bool from main (laanwj)
> - - #13347 `87a9d03` travis: Skip cache for lint stage (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13355 `0b1c0c4` Fix "gmake check" under OpenBSD 6.3 (probably `*BSD`): 
> Avoid using GNU grep specific regexp handling (practicalswift)
> - - #13353 `d4f6dac` Fixup setting of PATH env var (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13352 `e24bf1c` Avoid checking reject code for now (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13383 `2722a1f` bench: Use non-throwing parsedouble(…) instead of 
> throwing boost::lexical_cast<double>(…) (practicalswift)
> - - #13367 `264efdc` Increase includeconf test coverage (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13404 `3d3d8ae` speed up of `tx_validationcache_tests` by reusing of 
> CTransaction (lucash-dev)
> - - #13421 `531a033` Remove `portseed_offset` from test runner (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13440 `5315660` Log as utf-8 (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13066 `fa4b906` Migrate verify-commits script to python, run in travis 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13447 `4b1edd3` travis: Increase `travis_wait` time while verifying 
> commits (ken2812221)
> - - #13350 `f532d52` Add logging to provide anchor points when debugging 
> p2p_sendheaders (lmanners)
> - - #13406 `4382f19` travis: Change mac goal to all deploy (ken2812221)
> - - #13457 `b222138` Drop variadic macro (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13512 `3a45493` mininode: Expose connection state through `is_connected` 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13496 `9ab4c2a` Harden (wodry)
> - - #13219 `08516e0` bench: Add block assemble benchmark (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13530 `b1dc39d` bench: Add missing pow.h header (laanwj)
> - - #12686 `2643fa5` Add -ftrapv to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS when --enable-debug 
> is used. Enable -ftrapv in Travis (practicalswift)
> - - #12882 `d96bdd7` Make `test_bitcoin` pass under ThreadSanitzer (clang). 
> Fix lock-order-inversion (potential deadlock) (practicalswift)
> - - #13535 `2328039` `wallet_basic`: Specify minimum required amount for 
> listunspent (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13551 `c93c360` Fix incorrect documentation for test case 
> `cuckoocache_hit_rate_ok` (practicalswift)
> - - #13563 `b330f3f` bench: Simplify coinselection (promag)
> - - #13517 `a6ed99a` Remove need to handle the network thread in tests 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13522 `686e97a` Fix `p2p_sendheaders` race (jnewbery)
> - - #13467 `3dc2dcf` Make `p2p_segwit` easier to debug (jnewbery)
> - - #13598 `0212187` bench: Fix incorrect behaviour in prevector.cpp (AkioNak)
> - - #13565 `b05ded1` Fix AreInputsStandard test to reference the proper 
> scriptPubKey (Empact)
> - - #13145 `d3dae3d` Use common getPath method to create temp directory in 
> tests (winder)
> - - #13645 `2ea7eb6` skip `rpc_zmq` functional test as necessary (jamesob)
> - - #13626 `8f1106d` Fix some TODOs in `p2p_segwit` (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13138 `8803c91` Remove accounts from `` 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #13663 `cbc9b50` Avoid read/write to default datadir (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13682 `f8a32a3` bench: Remove unused variable (practicalswift)
> - - #13638 `6fcdb5e` Use `MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE` from (domob1812)
> - - #13687 `9d26b69` travis: Check that ~/.bitcoin is never created 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13715 `e1260a7` fixes mininode's P2PConnection sending messages on 
> closing transport (marcoagner)
> - - #13729 `aa9429a` travis: Avoid unnecessarily setting env variables on the 
> lint build (Empact)
> - - #13747 `ab28b5b` Skip P2PConnection's `is_closing()` check when not 
> available (domob1812)
> - - #13650 `7a9bca6` travis: Don't store debug info if --enable-debug is set 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13711 `f98d1e0` bench: Add benchmark for unserialize prevector (AkioNak)
> - - #13771 `365384f` travis: Retry to fetch docker image (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13806 `4d550ff` Fix `bench/block_assemble` assert failure (jamesob)
> - - #13779 `d25079a` travis: Improve readability of travis.yml and log 
> outputs (scravy)
> - - #13822 `0fb9c87` bench: Make coinselection output groups pass eligibility 
> filter (achow101)
> - - #13247 `e83d82a` Add tests to SingleThreadedSchedulerClient() and 
> document the memory model (skeees)
> - - #13811 `660abc1` travis: Run `bench_bitcoin` once (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13837 `990e182` Extract `rpc_timewait` as test param (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13851 `9c4324d` fix locale for lint-shell (scravy)
> - - #13823 `489b51b` quote path in authproxy for external multiwallets 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13849 `2b67354` travis: Use only travis jobs: instead of mix of 
> jobs+matrix (scravy)
> - - #13859 `2384323` Add emojis to `test_runner` path and wallet filename 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13916 `8ac7125` `wait_for_verack` by default (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13669 `f66e1c7` Cleanup `create_transaction` implementations (conscott)
> - - #13924 `09ada21` Simplify comparison in `` (domob1812)
> - - #13913 `a08533c` Remove redundant checkmempool/checkblockindex 
> `extra_args` (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13915 `a04888a` Add test for max number of entries in locator 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13867 `1b04b55` Make extended tests pass on native Windows (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13944 `0df7a6c` Port usage of deprecated optparse module to argparse 
> module (Kvaciral)
> - - #13928 `b8eb0df` blocktools enforce named args for amount (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13054 `bffb35f` Enable automatic detection of undefined names in Python 
> tests scripts. Remove wildcard imports (practicalswift)
> - - #14069 `cf3d7f9` Use assert not `BOOST_CHECK_*` from multithreaded tests 
> (skeees)
> - - #14071 `fab0fbe` Stop txindex thread before calling destructor 
> (MarcoFalke)
> ### Miscellaneous
> - - #11909 `8897135` contrib: Replace developer keys with list of pgp 
> fingerprints (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12394 `fe53d5f` fix --setup doc, since lxc is default 
> (Sjors)
> - - #12468 `294a766` Add missing newline in init.cpp log message (Aesti)
> - - #12308 `dcfe218` contrib: Add support for out-of-tree builds in 
> (laanwj)
> - - #12451 `aae64a2` Bump leveldb subtree (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12527 `d77b4a7` fix signProg being recognized as two 
> parameters (ken2812221)
> - - #12588 `d74b01d` utils: Remove deprecated pyzmq call from python zmq 
> example (kosciej)
> - - #10271 `bc67982` Use `std::thread::hardware_concurrency`, instead of 
> Boost, to determine available cores (fanquake)
> - - #12097 `14475e2` scripts: Lint-whitespace: use perl instead of grep -p 
> (Sjors)
> - - #12098 `17c44b2` scripts: Lint-whitespace: add param to check last n 
> commits (Sjors)
> - - #11900 `842f61a` script: Simplify checkminimalpush checks, add safety 
> assert (instagibbs)
> - - #12567 `bb98aec` util: Print timestamp strings in logs using iso 8601 
> formatting (practicalswift)
> - - #12572 `d8d9162` script: Lint-whitespace: find errors more easily 
> (AkioNak)
> - - #10694 `ae5bcc7` Remove redundant code in 
> MutateTxSign(CMutableTransaction&, const std::string&) (practicalswift)
> - - #12659 `3d16f58` Improve Fatal LevelDB Log Messages (eklitzke)
> - - #12643 `0f0229d` util: Remove unused `sync_chain` (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12102 `7fb8fb4` Apply hardening measures in bitcoind systemd service 
> file (Flowdalic)
> - - #12652 `55f490a` bitcoin-cli: Provide a better error message when 
> bitcoind is not running (practicalswift)
> - - #12630 `c290508` Provide useful error message if datadir is not writable 
> (murrayn)
> - - #11881 `624bee9` Remove Python2 support (jnewbery)
> - - #12821 `082e26c` contrib: Remove unused import string (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12829 `252c1b0` Python3 fixup (jnewbery)
> - - #12822 `ff48f62` Revert 7deba93bdc76616011a9f493cbc203d60084416f and fix 
> expired-key-sigs properly (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #12820 `5e53b80` contrib: Fix check-doc script regexes (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12713 `4490871` Track negated options in the option parser (eklitzke)
> - - #12708 `b2e5fe8` Make test that merges are clean (sipa)
> - - #12891 `3190785` logging: Add to check for newline 
> termination (jnewbery)
> - - #12923 `a7cbe38` util: Pass `pthread_self()` to `pthread_setschedparam` 
> instead of 0 (laanwj)
> - - #12871 `fb17fae` Add shell script linting: Check for shellcheck warnings 
> in shell scripts (practicalswift)
> - - #12970 `5df84de` logging: Bypass timestamp formatting when not logging 
> (theuni)
> - - #12987 `fe8fa22` tests/tools: Enable additional Python flake8 rules for 
> automatic linting via Travis (practicalswift)
> - - #12972 `0782508` Add python3 script shebang lint (ken2812221)
> - - #13004 `58bbc55` Print to console by default when not run with -daemon 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13039 `8b4081a` Add logging and error handling for file syncing (laanwj)
> - - #13020 `4741ca5` Consistently log CValidationState on call failure 
> (Empact)
> - - #13031 `826acc9` Fix for utiltime to compile with msvc (sipsorcery)
> - - #13119 `81743b5` Remove script to clean up datadirs (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12954 `5a66642` util: Refactor logging code into a global object (jimpo)
> - - #12769 `35eb9d6` Add systemd service to bitcoind in debian package (ghost)
> - - #13146 `0bc980b` rpcauth: Make it possible to provide a custom password 
> (laanwj)
> - - #13148 `b62b437` logging: Fix potential use-after-free in logprintstr(…) 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13214 `0612d96` Enable Travis checking for two Python linting rules we 
> are currently not violating (practicalswift)
> - - #13197 `6826989` util: Warn about ignored recursive -includeconf calls 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13176 `d9ebb63` Improve CRollingBloomFilter performance: replace modulus 
> with FastMod (martinus)
> - - #13228 `d792e47` Add script to detect circular dependencies between 
> source modules (sipa)
> - - #13320 `e08c130` Ensure uses bash (jhfrontz)
> - - #13301 `e4082d5` lint: Add linter to error on `#include <*.cpp>` (Empact)
> - - #13374 `56f6936` utils and libraries: checking for bitcoin address in 
> translations (kaplanmaxe)
> - - #13230 `7c32b41` Simplify include analysis by enforcing the developer 
> guide's include syntax (practicalswift)
> - - #13450 `32bf4c6` Add linter: Enforce the source code file naming 
> convention described in the developer notes (practicalswift)
> - - #13479 `fa2ea37` contrib: Fix cve-2018-12356 by hardening the regex 
> (loganaden)
> - - #13448 `a90ca40` Add linter: Make sure we explicitly open all text files 
> using UTF-8 encoding in Python (practicalswift)
> - - #13494 `d67eff8` Follow-up to #13454: Fix broken build by exporting 
> `LC_ALL=C` (practicalswift)
> - - #13510 `03f3925` Scripts and tools: Obsolete #!/bin/bash shebang 
> (DesWurstes)
> - - #13577 `c9eb8d1` logging: Avoid nstart may be used uninitialized in 
> appinitmain warning (mruddy)
> - - #13603 `453ae5e` bitcoin-tx: Stricter check for valid integers (domob1812)
> - - #13118 `c05c93c` RPCAuth Detection in Logs (Linrono)
> - - #13647 `4027ec1` Scripts and tools: Fix `BIND_NOW` check in 
> (conradoplg)
> - - #13692 `f5d166a` contrib: Clone core repo in gitian-build (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13699 `4c6d1b9` contrib: Correct version check (kallewoof)
> - - #13695 `dcc0cff` lint: Add linter for circular dependencies (Empact)
> - - #13733 `0d1ebf4` utils: Refactor argsmanager a little (AtsukiTak)
> - - #13714 `29b4ee6` contrib: Add lxc network setup for bionic host 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13764 `f8685f4` contrib: Fix test-security-check fail in ubuntu 18.04 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13809 `77168f7` contrib: Remove debian and rpm subfolder (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13799 `230652c` Ignore unknown config file options; warn instead of 
> error (sipa)
> - - #13894 `df9f712` shutdown: Stop threads before resetting ptrs (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13925 `71dec5c` Merge leveldb subtree (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13939 `ef86f26` lint: Make format string linter understand basic 
> template parameter syntax (practicalswift)
> - - #14105 `eb202ea` util: Report parse errors in configuration file (laanwj)
> - - #12604 `9903537` Add DynamicMemoryUsage() to CDBWrapper to estimate 
> LevelDB memory use (eklitzke)
> - - #12495 `047865e` Increase LevelDB `max_open_files` (eklitzke)
> - - #12784 `e80716d` Fix bug in memory usage calculation (unintended integer 
> division) (practicalswift)
> - - #12618 `becd8dd` Set `SCHED_BATCH` priority on the loadblk thread 
> (eklitzke)
> - - #12854 `5ca1509` Add P2P, Network, and Qt categories to the desktop icon 
> (luke-jr)
> - - #11862 `4366f61` Network specific conf sections (ajtowns)
> - - #13441 `4a7e64f` Prevent shared conf files from failing with different 
> available options in different binaries (achow101)
> - - #13471 `5eca4e8` For AVX2 code, also check for AVX, XSAVE, and OS support 
> (sipa)
> - - #13503 `c655b2c` Document FreeBSD quirk. Fix FreeBSD build: Use 
> std::min<int>(…) to allow for compilation under certain FreeBSD versions 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13725 `07ce278` Fix bitcoin-cli --version (Empact)
> ### Documentation
> - - #12306 `216f9a4` Improvements to UNIX documentation (axvr)
> - - #12309 `895fbd7` Explain how to update chainTxData in release process 
> (laanwj)
> - - #12317 `85123be` Document method for reviewers to verify chainTxData 
> (jnewbery)
> - - #12331 `d32528e` Properly alphabetize output of CLI --help option 
> (murrayn)
> - - #12322 `c345148` Remove step making cloned repository world-writable for 
> Windows build (murrayn)
> - - #12354 `b264528` add gpg key for fivepiece (fivepiece)
> - - #11761 `89005dd` initial QT documentation (Sjors)
> - - #12232 `fdc2188` Improve "Turn Windows Features On or Off" step (MCFX2)
> - - #12487 `4528f74` init: Remove translation for `-blockmaxsize` option help 
> (laanwj)
> - - #12546 `a4a5fc7` Minor improvements to Compatibility Notes (randolf)
> - - #12434 `21e2670` dev-notes: Members should be initialized (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12452 `71f56da` clarified systemd installation instructions in 
> for Ubuntu users (DaveFromBinary)
> - - #12615 `1f93491` allow for SIGNER containing spaces (ken2812221)
> - - #12603 `85424d7` PeerLogicValidation interface (jamesob)
> - - #12581 `12ac2f0` Mention configure without wallet in FreeBSD instructions 
> (dbolser)
> - - #12619 `8a709fb` Give hint about gitian not able to download (kallewoof)
> - - #12668 `de2fcaa` do update before fetching packages in WSL build guide 
> (nvercamm)
> - - #12586 `e7721e6` Update osx brew install instruction (fanquake)
> - - #12760 `7466a26` Improve documentation on standard communication channels 
> (jimpo)
> - - #12797 `0415b1e` init: Fix help message for checkblockindex (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12800 `2d97611` Add note about our preference for scoped enumerations 
> ("enum class") (practicalswift)
> - - #12798 `174d016` Refer to witness reserved value as spec. in the BIP 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12759 `d3908e2` Improve formatting of developer notes (eklitzke)
> - - #12877 `2b54155` Use bitcoind in Tor documentation (knoxcard)
> - - #12896 `b15485e` Fix conflicting statements about initialization in 
> developer notes (practicalswift)
> - - #12850 `319991d` add qrencode to brew install instructions (buddilla)
> - - #12007 `cd8e45b` Clarify the meaning of fee delta not being a fee rate in 
> prioritisetransaction RPC (honzik666)
> - - #12927 `06ead15` fixed link, replaced QT with Qt (trulex)
> - - #12852 `ebd786b` devtools: Setup ots git integration (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12933 `3cf76c2` Refine header include policy (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12951 `6df0c6c` Fix comment in FindForkInGlobalIndex (jamesob)
> - - #12982 `a63b4e3` Fix inconsistent namespace formatting guidelines 
> (ryanofsky)
> - - #13026 `9b3a67e` Fix include comment in src/interfaces/wallet.h (promag)
> - - #13012 `d1e3c5e` Add comments for chainparams.h, validation.cpp (jamesob)
> - - #13064 `569e381` List support for BIP173 in (sipa)
> - - #12997 `646b7f6` build-windows: Switch to Artful, since Zesty is EOL 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #12384 `c5f7efe` Add version footnote to (Willtech)
> - - #13165 `627c376` Mention good first issue list in 
> (fanquake)
> - - #13295 `fb77310` Update OpenBSD build instructions for OpenBSD 6.3 
> (practicalswift)
> - - #13340 `3a8e3f4` remove leftover check-doc documentation (fanquake)
> - - #13346 `60f0358` update bitcoin-dot-org links in 
> (fanquake)
> - - #13372 `f014933` split FreeBSD build instructions out of 
> (steverusso)
> - - #13366 `861de3b` Rename “OS X” to the newer “macOS” convention (giulio92)
> - - #13369 `f8bcef3` update transifex doc link (mess110)
> - - #13312 `b22115d` Add a note about the source code filename naming 
> convention (practicalswift)
> - - #13460 `1939536` Remove note to install all boost dev packages 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13476 `9501938` Fix incorrect shell quoting in FreeBSD build 
> instructions (murrayn)
> - - #13402 `43fa355` Document validationinterace callback blocking deadlock 
> potential (TheBlueMatt)
> - - #13488 `d6cf4bd` Improve readability of "Squashing commits" (wodry)
> - - #13531 `ee02deb` Clarify that mempool txiter is `const_iterator` 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13418 `01f9098` More precise explanation of parameter onlynet (wodry)
> - - #13592 `1756cb4` Modify policy to not translate command-line help 
> (ken2812221)
> - - #13588 `b77c38e` Improve doc of options addnode, connect, seednode (wodry)
> - - #13614 `17e9106` Update command line help for -printtoconsole and 
> -debuglogfile (satwo, fanquake)
> - - #13605 `8cc048e` corrected text to reflect new(er) process of specifying 
> fingerprints (jhfrontz)
> - - #13481 `b641f60` Rewrite some validation docs as lock annotations 
> (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13680 `30640f8` Remove outdated comment about miner ignoring CPFP 
> (jamesob)
> - - #13625 `7146672` Add release notes for -printtoconsole and -debuglogfile 
> changes (satwo)
> - - #13718 `f7f574d` Specify preferred Python string formatting technique 
> (masonicboom)
> - - #12764 `10b9a81` Remove field in getblocktemplate help that has never 
> been used (conscott)
> - - #13742 `d2186b3` Adjust links (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13706 `94dd89e` Minor improvements to (MitchellCash)
> - - #13775 `ef4fac0` Remove newlines from error message (practicalswift)
> - - #13803 `feb7dd9` add note to contributor docs about warranted PR's 
> (kallewoof)
> - - #13814 `67af7ef` Add BIP174 to list of implemented BIPs (sipa)
> - - #13835 `c1cba35` Fix memory consistency model in comment (skeees)
> - - #13824 `aa30e4b` Remove outdated net comment (MarcoFalke)
> - - #13853 `317477a` correct versions in (fanquake)
> - - #13872 `37ab117` Reformat -help output for help2man (real-or-random)
> - - #13717 `8c3c402` Link to python style guidelines from developer notes 
> (masonicboom)
> - - #13895 `1cd5f2c` fix GetWarnings docs to reflect behavior (Empact)
> - - #13911 `3e3a50a` Revert translated string change, clarify wallet log 
> messages (PierreRochard)
> - - #13908 `d6faea4` upgrade rescan time warning from minutes to >1 hour 
> (masonicboom)
> - - #13905 `73a09b4` fixed bitcoin-cli -help output for help2man (hebasto)
> - - #14100 `2936dbc` Change documentation for =0 for non-boolean options 
> (laanwj)
> - - #14096 `465a583` Add reference documentation for descriptors language 
> (sipa)
> - - #12757 `0c5f67b` Clarify include guard naming convention (practicalswift)
> - - #13844 `d3325b0` Correct the help output for `-prune` (hebasto)
> Credits
> =======
> Thanks to everyone who directly contributed to this release:
> - - 251
> - - 532479301
> - - Aaron Clauson
> - - Akio Nakamura
> - - Akira Takizawa
> - - Alex Morcos
> - - Alex Vear
> - - Alexey Ivanov
> - - Alin Rus
> - - Andrea Comand
> - - Andrew Chow
> - - Anthony Towns
> - - AtsukiTak
> - - Ben Woosley
> - - Bernhard M. Wiedemann
> - - Brandon Ruggles
> - - buddilla
> - - ccdle12
> - - Chris Moore
> - - Chun Kuan Lee
> - - Clem Taylor
> - - Conor Scott
> - - Conrado Gouvea
> - - Cory Fields
> - - Cristian Mircea Messel
> - - ctp-tsteenholdt
> - - Damian Williamson
> - - Dan Bolser
> - - Daniel Kraft
> - - Darko Janković
> - - DaveFromBinary
> - - David A. Harding
> - - DesWurstes
> - - Dimitris Apostolou
> - - donaloconnor
> - - Douglas Roark
> - - DrahtBot
> - - Drew Rasmussen
> - - e0
> - - Ernest Hemingway
> - - Ethan Heilman
> - - Evan Klitzke
> - - fanquake
> - - Felix Wolfsteller
> - - fivepiece
> - - Florian Schmaus
> - - Fuzzbawls
> - - Gabriel Davidian
> - - Giulio Lombardo
> - - Gleb
> - - Grady Laksmono
> - - GreatSock
> - - Gregory Maxwell
> - - Gregory Sanders
> - - Hennadii Stepanov
> - - Henrik Jonsson
> - -
> - - James O'Beirne
> - - Jan Čapek
> - - Jeff Frontz
> - - Jeff Rade
> - - Jeremy Rubin
> - - JeremyRand
> - - Jesse Cohen
> - - Jim Posen
> - - joemphilips
> - - John Bampton
> - - John Newbery
> - - johnlow95
> - - Johnson Lau
> - - Jonas Nick
> - - Jonas Schnelli
> - - João Barbosa
> - - Jorge Timón
> - - Josh Hartshorn
> - - Julian Fleischer
> - - kallewoof
> - - Karel Bilek
> - - Karl-Johan Alm
> - - Ken Lee
> - - Kevin Pan
> - - Kosta Zertsekel
> - - Kristaps Kaupe
> - - Kvaciral
> - - Lawrence Nahum
> - - Linrono
> - - lmanners
> - - Loganaden Velvindron
> - - Lowell Manners
> - -
> - - Luke Dashjr
> - - lutangar
> - - Marcin Jachymiak
> - - marcoagner
> - - MarcoFalke
> - - Mark Erhardt
> - - Mark Friedenbach
> - - Martin Ankerl
> - - Mason Simon
> - - Matt Corallo
> - - Matteo Sumberaz
> - - Max Kaplan
> - - MeshCollider
> - - Michał Zabielski
> - - Mitchell Cash
> - - mruddy
> - - mryandao
> - - murrayn
> - - Nick Vercammen
> - - Nicolas Dorier
> - - Nikolay Mitev
> - - okayplanet
> - - Pierre Rochard
> - - Pieter Wuille
> - - practicalswift
> - - Qasim Javed
> - - Randolf Richardson
> - - Richard Kiss
> - - Roman Zeyde
> - - Russell Yanofsky
> - - Samuel B. Atwood
> - - Sebastian Kung
> - - Sjors Provoost
> - - Steve Lee
> - - steverusso
> - - Suhas Daftuar
> - - Tamas Blummer
> - - TheCharlatan
> - - Thomas Kerin
> - - Thomas Snider
> - - Tim Ruffing
> - - Varunram
> - - Vasil Dimov
> - - Will Ayd
> - - William Robinson
> - - winder
> - - Wladimir J. van der Laan
> - - wodry
> And to those that reported security issues:
> - - awemany (for CVE-2018-17144, previously credited as "anonymous reporter")
> As well as everyone that helped translating on 
> [Transifex](
> iQEzBAEBCgAdFiEEnerg3HBjJJ+wVHRoHkrtYphs0l0FAlu0mOwACgkQHkrtYphs
> 0l16Hwf/ZdGp2MlqTTSNLrFqXJY+8oV2wcSSqw2A6+9TSPFwnycTsQjr1yCZ3BLq
> ANyfVex2nivHgGrNsX4m28yemG8QEeoS/u8sUcRMgGz+oaN/0h7kVy2xU/lG6s9o
> qjO5NBT0ug0iOpkVnVhouNK5W50+qfTH8tSYyzr3ywtCLmQ8TZtfa/7jti0pKXIY
> DVtpmSbfjTsn0vBMHlQMPgf1Qw7Tr25klzP34Hp3YLEjQ+HlUZqm602t2GqgNgC4
> rwfHkE3erAJg+i5IsYgq8F4kJIcAMt3T+EZs21+VmcK5v6v4+G4w4K99VyyJlm/u
> hvjEe4Tzp0p5YIcXvnEJkkRc3X4xDg==
> =OmK+
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