On Wednesday 03 April 2019 21:39:32 Dave Scotese via bitcoin-dev wrote:
> Luke's comment that it could "lead to users trusting third parties (like
> developers) way too much" is pertinent too, but I think an honest abatement
> of that concern is impossible without teaching everyone C++.

Learning C++ is something within everyone's capability. Even people who do not 
wish to learn it can hire someone to perform review for them.

> "Developers" 
> as an open group (anyone can fork the github repo, find a problem, and make
> an issue) deserve the trust we put in them, and that's because they're
> accountable (any such error found in the repo will have been put there by
> someone). 

No, we are not. We explicitly disclaim any warranty, and do not want your 

> The same thing goes for making it possible to download (*not 
> just the compiled software*, but) the entire UTXO Set if a commitment of it
> is hardcoded into the software, as James suggests. 

Verifying a UTXO set commitment is impossible short of a real IBD. It's not 
even comparable.

> We all trust 
> "developers" like that, and it's okay.

No, it isn't okay. There are plenty of fiat options if you want a trust-based 
currency. Bitcoin is supposed to be something more than that.

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