Any meaningful covenant must be one that is reducing control by the current 

I can think of countless predicates reducing control, but try to explore the 
least invasive first,
and see if they unlock a new use.

Offering alternate control paths is what taproot was designed for, therefore a 
that requires that a control path is inherited seems a fit. That is all the
debt covenant needs.

There are other predicates with exciting use, such as one on total work 
performed by miner
which I tried to explore earlier. Pieter Wuille said it could be a candidate 
for the annex.

Tamas Blummer

> On Jun 30, 2019, at 19:50, Tamas Blummer <> wrote:
> I made an error proposing the new covenant. It should be unchanged as in the 
> original example:
> ‘covenant or(and(_, pk(Transfer)) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit), _) 
> covenant drop)’
> since the placeholder stays for the control of the rightful owner without 
> transfer signature on or off chain.
> The exit could be alternatively automatic allowing to exit a stalling 
> unchained platform:
> ‘covenant or(and(_, pk(Transfer)) covenant transitive, and(delay(100), _) 
> covenant drop)’
> There remains the question why the rightful owner is not enforcing the 
> covenant instead of having it enforced by on-chain consensus.
> I do not yet have a good answer for that as in contrast to the debt example, 
> here it is aligned with the interest of the current owner to have the 
> covenant.
> Tamas Blummer
>> On Jun 30, 2019, at 18:57, Tamas Blummer <> wrote:
>> Hello ZmnSCPxj,
>> Yes, representation of debt is more interesting here as it requires the 
>> covenant, wheras this example, as you point out, was less convincing given 
>> alternatives.
>> I created this example to avoid discussion of topics not approriate on this 
>> list.
>> Thank you for the suggestion of unchained execution of transfers with 
>> cut-through exit transaction as this made the example much stronger:
>> The most important question for someone who trusts his coins to some 
>> unchained platform is probably the question of how exit is guaranteed if one 
>> is unhappy with what one gets.
>> With the exit covenant exit conditions are set in stone, since validated 
>> on-chain. If the exit key is owned by a trusted arbiter other than the 
>> federation governing the unchained platform
>> then one at least have the option to cut losses at some point by presenting 
>> the arbiter a chain of valid transactions and asking to sign the exit.
>> Participants in the unchained platform would also be interested to regularly 
>> snapshot the economic effect of offchain transactions with cut-through 
>> transactions as such cut-through shortens the chain of transactions
>> they would need to get on chain if chosing the exit without consent of the 
>> federation governing the transfers.
>> So the convenant needed is: 'covenant or(_ covenant transitive, and(pkExit, 
>> _) covenant drop)' which gives unrestricted flexibility to the unchained 
>> platform with the exception that it has to maintain the exit option.
>> Tamas Blummer
>>> On Jun 29, 2019, at 22:25, ZmnSCPxj <> wrote:
>>> Good morning Tamas,
>>> While I think covenants for some kind of debt tool is mildly interesting 
>>> and an appropriate solution, I wonder about this particular use-case.
>>> It seems to me that, as either the `Transfer` signers or `Exit` signers are 
>>> always involved, that the `Transfer` signers can be constrained so as to 
>>> ensure that the rules are followed correctly, without requiring that 
>>> covenants be used on the Bitcoin layer.
>>> After all, the outputs of each transaction signed by the `Transfer` signers 
>>> are part of the transaction that is being signed; surely the `Transfer` 
>>> signers can validate that the output matches the contract expected, without 
>>> requiring that fullnodes also validate this?
>>> In particular, it seems to me that covenants are only useful if there exist 
>>> some alternative that does not involve some kind of fixed `Transfer` signer 
>>> set, but still requires a covenant.
>>> Otherwise, the `Transfer` signer set could simply impose the rules by 
>>> themselves.
>>> Another thing is that, if my understanding is correct, the "sidechain" here 
>>> is not in fact a sidechain; the "sidechain" transaction graph is published 
>>> on the Bitcoin blockchain.
>>> Instead, the `Transfer` signers simply validate some smart contract, most 
>>> likely embedded as a pay-to-contract in the `pk(Alice)`/`pk(Bob)` public 
>>> keys, and ensure that the smart contract is correctly executed.
>>> In that case, it may be useful to consider Smart Contracts Unchained 
>>> instead:
>>> It would be possible, under Smart Contracts Unchained, to keep the 
>>> `Transfer`-signed transactions offchain, until `Exit`-signing.
>>> Then, when this chain of transaction spends is presented to the 
>>> participants, the participants can be convinced to sign a "cut-through" 
>>> transaction that cuts through the offchain transactions, with the resulting 
>>> cut-through being the one confirmed onchain, and signed only the 
>>> participants, without the `Transfer` or `Exit` federation signatures 
>>> appearing onchain.
>>> This hides not only the smart contract being executed, but also the fact 
>>> that a Smart Contracts Unchained technique was at all used.
>>> Regards,
>>> ZmnSCPxj
>>> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
>>> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
>>> On Saturday, June 29, 2019 1:53 PM, Tamas Blummer via bitcoin-dev 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I introduced you to gerneralized covenants[1] earlier, but in a domain 
>>>> specific context that de-routed us from technical discussion. Let me 
>>>> demonstrate the concept in a more generic use:
>>>> A covenant
>>>> or(and(pk(Transfer), _) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit),_) covenant drop)
>>>> would put a coin under the alternative control of a Transfer and Exit keys 
>>>> together with the script in control of the current owner.
>>>> Additional transaction level validations of transactions spending input 
>>>> with covenants apply as in [1]
>>>> Owner of such coins would be able to transfer them to others provided an 
>>>> addtional Transfer signature, in which case the coin remains encumbered 
>>>> with the same covenant.
>>>> If Exit and owner signs the covenant is dropped on the output, it becomes 
>>>> a plain Bitcoin again.
>>>> The Thransfer and Exit signatures could be threshold signatures of a 
>>>> federation, whereby member decide if the proposed transfer transaction 
>>>> complies with whatever unique rules they impose.
>>>> The result is a federated side chain embedded into the Bitcoin block chain.
>>>> Bob could purchase some asset guarded by the federation with a transaction:
>>>> Inputs
>>>> 100.0001 pk(Bob)
>>>> Outputs
>>>> 0.1 or(and(pk(Transfer), pk(Bob)), and(pk(Exit), pk(Bob)) covenant 
>>>> or(and(pk(Transfer), _) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit),_) covenant drop)
>>>> 99.9 pk(Transfer)
>>>> Transfer to Alice with consent of the transfer validators:
>>>> Inputs
>>>> 0.1 or(and(pk(Transfer), pk(Bob)), and(pk(Exit), pk(Bob)) covenant 
>>>> or(and(pk(Transfer), _) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit),_) covenant drop)
>>>> 100.001 pk(Alice)
>>>> Outputs
>>>> 0.1 or(and(pk(Transfer), pk(Alice)), and(pk(Exit), pk(Alice)) covenant 
>>>> or(and(pk(Transfer), _) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit),_) covenant drop)
>>>> 100 pk(Bob)
>>>> Alice might be approved to exit with the exit signature of the federation:
>>>> Inputs
>>>> 0.1 or(and(pk(Transfer), pk(Alice)), and(pk(Exit), pk(Alice)) covenant 
>>>> or(and(pk(Transfer), _) covenant transitive, and(pk(Exit),_) covenant drop)
>>>> 99.9 pk(Transfer)
>>>> Outputs
>>>> 99.9999 pk(Alice)
>>>> Tamas Blummer
>>>> [1] 

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