Good morning CB,

> Equal-output-coinjoins and JoinMarket also have a version of the
> common-input-ownership-heuristic (CIOH), because its often possible to
> separate the inputs into sets of their owners of a equal-output-coinjoin
> using the input amounts. CoinSwap can be combined with something like
> PayJoin or CoinJoinXT, which would genuinely break the CIOH, so such a
> system wouldn't have this flaw either.
> For those reasons I've been thinking a CoinSwap system wouldn't need as
> many mixdepths, maybe it could use two or even just one.

Would the ZeroLink proposal of separating a receiving (pre-mix) wallet from a 
sending (post-mix) wallet apply, thus having two implicit mixdepths (the 
receiving mixdepth and the sending mixdepth)?
Or would imposing the rule "all sends must be via CoinSwap" be sufficient (and 
follow the ZeroLink rule in spirit)?

> If so, then it follows that multi-transaction CoinSwaps can be done by
> having UTXOs come from the same mixdepth, as long as the inputs that
> should be separate are not co-spent in the same transaction.

This "as long as the inputs that should be separate are not co-spent" is 
precisely what mixdepths protect against, which is why I think *some* kind of 
mixdepth facility will still matter in CoinSwap.

Still, you have convinced me that, for the purpose of multi-transaction 
CoinSwap where you do not merge any of your coins, it is immaterial if the 
sub-transactions come from the same mixdepth or not.
And if you have to merge your coins (for instance, if you are a maker and your 
customer wants to get a UTXO that is larger than any you have on hand, you have 
to merge your coins), you just have to ensure they are in the same mixdepth.

Of course, you *could* be proposing some other construct --- perhaps you have 
some relational entry which says "you cannot merge coin A and coin B" which 
allows you to merge A C D or B C E, but not A B?
(I imagine this would make coin selection even harder, but I am not a 
mathematician and there may be some trivial solution to this.)

Now --- if you have two coins that cannot be merged in the same onchain tx, 
what happens when you swap them in a multi-tx CoinSwap with somebody else?
That somebody else does not know that information.
Instead, that somebody else must always assume that any coins it got from the 
same CoinSwap operation must not be safely mergeable (though they can still be 
used in the same swap together).

Coins received via receive addresses would also not be mergeable with any other 
coins, except coins to the same address (because coins in the same address 
already leak that they are owned by the same owner).

> Remember that a passive surveillor of the blockchain doesn't see
> mixdepths at all, they see addresses and transactions, and must use
> heuristics to try to cluster them together. We can break these heuristics.
> > Attempting to completely detach a market-for-CoinSwap from JoinMarket seems 
> > to be impossible to my mind: the protocols are known, implementations open, 
> > and someone will inevitably write code for a single piece of software that 
> > can operate as both a JoinMarket maker and a maker for a 
> > market-for-CoinSwap (to increase their market, so to speak), so it might be 
> > better to just add CoinSwap to JoinMarket in the first place.
> Someone who has the ability to write such code should also have the
> awareness to realize that mixing equal-output-coinjoins with coinswaps
> damages the privacy because it breaks the steganography of coinswaps.
> Also, because CoinSwap is better than equal-output CoinJoin in almost
> every way, we can expect users (who are takers) to stop using JoinMarket
> and switch over to CoinSwap if the software becomes mature. So such a
> JoinMarket maker won't get many customers, and so there wouldn't be much
> point writing such maker code.

An unscrupulous possible maker might not value the privacy of its customers 
(indeed makers are a privacy attack vector, which requires something like 
fidelity bonds like you suggested before to protect against), and takers might 
not want to do possibly-computationally-expensive blockchain analysis to 
evaluate whether a particular maker values privacy.
An unscrupulous maker might thus earn more than a more scrupulous maker can, at 
least during the transition from JoinMarket to SwapMarket, and get a greater 
share of the future SwapMarket available liquidity due to their increased 
earnings during the transition.

Against this we should remember that software that does two things is four 
times as complicated as software that does one thing, so hopefully your 
projected transition from JoinMarket to SwapMarket will be fast enough that 
such a combined Join/SwapMarket maker software does not arise fast enough to 

> But for sure it would be good to reuse code in any eventual
> implementation. Indeed Waxwing's implementation did:
> > Assuming Alice is the taker, and Bob is the maker, then Alice might want a 
> > specific coin value (or set of such) that Bob does not have.
> > In that case, Bob will have to split a UTXO it owns.
> > We could constrain it so that Bob at least is not allowed to use the change 
> > from splitting for the same CoinSwap, e.g. if Bob has only 9 BTC and 1 BTC 
> > coins and Alice wants a 6 BTC / 3 BTC / 1 BTC split, then Bob cannot split 
> > its own 9 BTC coin then swap.
> > Or in terms of mixdepths, Bob can split within a mixdepth but each outgoing 
> > UTXO in the same swap should be from different mixdepths.
> A good way to do it could be for Alice to tell Bob that she wants 10 BTC
> and let Bob figure out on his own how to get that amount, based on the
> amounts he already has. If Alice is making a payment she can provide
> that amount too, but all the other output amounts can be up to Bob.

This leaks to Bob whether Alice is making a payment or not; it would be better 
for the privacy of Alice for Alice to *always* mention *some* "payment amount", 
even if this is not actually a payment and Alice is just mixing for herself 
prior to storing in cold storage.
And if Alice wants to use a single swap to pay to multiple targets at once, 
that implies Alice has to have the ability to indicate the outputs it wants to 
Bob, and it would imply as well that Alice has to obfuscate which of those 
outputs have amounts that actually *matter* (by always insisting on what the 
output amounts must be, rather than insisting on N output amounts and letting 
Bob handle the rest).
(We *could* constrain it such that Alice can make only one payment per 
CoinSwap, so that Alice only gives one "target" amount and one "total" amount, 
but that implies even bigger blockspace utilization, sigh.)

Otherwise, Bob can get information:

* "Oh, Alice did not specify any of the outputs, just the total amount, all of 
my old coins are owned by Alice now."
* "Oh, Alice specified an exact value for one of the outputs, that one is no 
longer owned by Alice but the rest are owned by Alice."
* "Oh, Alice specified exact values for two of the outputs, those two are 
definitely no longer owned by Alice but the rest are owned by Alice."

The conclusion here is either Alice never specifies any of the outputs --- in 
which case Alice cannot use a CoinSwap to pay directly to somebody else --- or 
Alice specifies all of them.

Again, the maker might be an active surveillor, thus we should reduce 
information leaks to the maker as much as we can.

> Bob would often still have to split a UTXO he owns, but see below about
> breaking change address heuristics.
> > Of course, if a surveillor does solve the sparse subset sum, then the 
> > CoinSwap Protocol part looks exactly like a Bitcoin transaction, with a 
> > "main" paying output and a "change" output, and the same techniques that 
> > work with current Bitcoin txes work with "CoinSwap Protocol" virtual 
> > transactions.
> > It seems to me that, in a system of makers and takers, even if the maker is 
> > really just paying the taker(s) to do CoinSwaps to mix back to itself, it 
> > should still "require" some output amount that really goes to itself, so 
> > that the maker at least does not differentiate between the case that the 
> > taker is paying to itself vs the case that the taker is paying someone else 
> > via a CoinSwap.
> > That is, the protocol should still require that the taker specify some 
> > target desired amount, regardless of whether the taker wants to pay a 
> > specific value, or the taker wants to just mix its coins.
> If Bob needs to split a UTXO he'd do that with a change output. And
> because we understand change detection heuristics we can intentionally
> break them, for example if Bob's UTXO is on a p2sh-p2wpkh address and
> the CoinSwap address is of that type too (because ECDSA-2P is being
> used) then Bob could make his change output p2wpkh or p2pkh. Then anyone
> using the script-type-heuristic would think that the CoinSwap address is
> actually change and still belongs to Bob, and that the real change
> address is actually the payment or CoinSwap address. i.e. the adversary
> would assume that wallet software only uses one script type, in this
> case it assumes that Bob's wallet is exclusively p2sh-p2wpkh.
> > > -   Multi-transaction CoinSwaps aren't truly an example of a subset-sum
> > >     problem, but "sparse subset sum", a related and easier problem.
> > >     The way its normally formulated, subset sum is about finding a subset
> > >     that adds up to a target value. But in multi-transaction coinswap
> > >     there'd only be three or four CoinSwap outputs, so the problem is
> > >     finding just three or four integers in a big set that add up to the 
> > > target.
> > >     You could think of it mathematically that the n-choose-k function is
> > >     near-polynomial when k is near 0 or near n, and the function is
> > >     exponential when k is near n/2.
> > >     A more promising way to build privacy is to create a situation where 
> > > an
> > >     adversary would find a huge amount of false positives which are very
> > >     close the amount being sent. So even if the adversary has enough
> > >     computational power to iterate all the amounts it won't help them much
> > >     due to the huge number of false positives.
> > >
> >
> > What are your thoughts on creating such possible situations?
> > An idea is to require standard swap amounts, i.e. similar to the standard 
> > 100mBTC mixing bin of Wasabi.
> > As well, one could randomly select some existing 1-input 1-output txes in 
> > the mempool and/or recent blocks, sum them, and swap for the same sum, to 
> > force at least one false positive, but the surveillor could protect against 
> > this by removing the earliest match (the one it saw in the mempool first, 
> > or onchain).
> I think we can get the false positive count up because the n-choose-k
> function still gets quite large as k increases.
> We can make a simplified reasonable assumption that outputs on the
> blockchain follow a lognormal distribution. An adversary trying to unmix
> a 3-transaction CoinSwap would have to find the sum of every
> 3-combination of the relevant outputs. For our case, the sum of three
> lognormal distributions is another lognormal distribution with different
> parameters, it's corresponding frequency distribution would get scaled
> by n-choose-3. This frequency distribution is what the adversary would
> find when searching, and that distribution would be quite tall because
> of the scaling by n-choose-k. Suppose our CoinSwap is for 4 BTC then the
> adversary would look at their frequency distribution at 4 BTC and find a
> pretty big number, i.e. many other combinations of 3 outputs would add
> up to 4 BTC just by chance. That is the false positive rate, and is our
> anonymity set with respect to this attack.
> To work this out precisely we'd need to study the distribution of output
> values on the blockchain today, and see how it behaves when summed
> together. But the lognormal distribution assumption is probably not too
> far from the truth, as it appears all the time in economics and finance,
> and there is a clear justification for why. And the scaling by
> n-choose-k would still hold.

Okay, from what little I understand it seems that "even if sparse subset sum is 
easier than subset sum, it is still hard, so it probably will not matter in 
practice", would that be a fair takeaway?

> Along with that, some output amounts have very few significant figures
> (e.g. 1 BTC, 0.1 BTC, 0.01 BTC), presumably because the user types just
> one number on their keyboard when creating a transaction. We can use
> that fact to add a bit of privacy by occasionally making one of our
> outputs also be rounded like that.

I agree.


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