Thanks for organizing this Jeremy, agenda looks great. I do think we are
now at the time where Taproot activation becomes a priority for all those
with a stake in Taproot activation.

Although these parameters haven't yet been finalized the proposed
(approximate) startheight is May 1st which is less than 6 weeks away.

Therefore I encourage everyone with a stake in Taproot activation to attend
this meeting tomorrow (Tuesday 19:00 UTC) and raise any specific concerns
with block height vs MTP and proposed timetables as Jeremy suggests before
the meeting.

Personally I think we should avoid the min activation height dragging into
December. November (current proposed is November 13th) seems ideal as to
avoid (admittedly Western) holidays in December and January. Other than
that I think we have some (limited) wiggle room with regards to the exact
timetable to ensure the optimal code is merged.

Michael Folkson
Keybase: michaelfolkson
PGP: 43ED C999 9F85 1D40 EAF4 9835 92D6 0159 214C FEE3
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