Hi Michael,

Thanks for sharing the details about the meeting.

Wishlist has some interesting points. I would like to suggest few things:

1.BIP process: 

A. Plan and document a proposal

 B. Open PR in https://github.com/bitcoin/bips and edit everything properly

 C. BIP is assigned a number and merged

 D. Share the proposal on bitcoin dev mailing list

bitcoin-dev mailing list link can be considered a BIP and saved in a BIP 
directory. Anyone can create such directories. So BIP is nothing but a proposal 
shared on bitcoin-dev mailing list.

Who implements the BIP? When is it implemented? How is it implemented? Opinions 
on proposal etc. will be different for each BIP. This will avoid the 
'bitcoin/bips' repository being considered as some BIP authority that approves 
BIPs and proposals can improve Bitcoin without using the repository. Repository 
will only be helpful in documenting BIP correctly.

2. Bot in `bitcoin/bips` repository that notifies about pull requests based on 
different things. This will help maintainer(s) and contributors.

3. BIP Gallery: I tried sharing things in a different way so that newbies can 
understand importance of BIPs in Bitcoin and relate to it: 
https://prayank23.github.io/BIPsGallery/ however couldn't complete it with all 
the BIPs because not many people considered it helpful. There were few 
suggestions to improve it by adding some text for each BIP and better image 
gallery. Maybe someone else can create a better project. 


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