Hi Bitcoin Developers,

Summary for the last CTV meeting:


1)APO version of the simple vault
2)APO as alternative to CTV
3)fiatjaf's CTV spacechain demo
4)Compare CTV with other covenant proposals
5)Recursive covenants
6)Responding to FUD

APO version of the simple vault

- It is vulnerable to the half-spend problem, where multiple vaulted outputs 
(of the same denomination) can be spent together, burning all but the first to 
fees. Fixing this requires amending APOAS to cover the current input index.
- The unvault transaction is third-party malleable (it can have more inputs 
added to it). One practical implication is that you can't hand a list of the 
unvault txids to a watchtower, you have to tell them which outpoints to watch 
which is less privacy-preserving. Fixing this requires amending APOAS to cover 
the number of inputs.
Both of these issues are fixed by the BIP 118 changes suggested by darosior 
(although they still not officially spec'd afaik), which would basically make 
APO have a CTV-equivalent hash mode (minus scriptSig of other inputs)
- simple-apo-vault could use APO-as-spec'd with 
SIGHASH_SINGLE|SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY, which would solve the half-spend problem 
(but not malleability) and have some other interesting properties, like more 
natural dynamic fees (add inputs+change) and the ability spend multiple vaulted 
outputs together. This would, however, introduce a tx pinning attack vector and 
prevent rate-limited vaults.

APO as alternative to CTV

- Current APO is unusable as a CTV alternative, (revised)APO seems to be as 
useful as CTV is (plus some extra flexibility from existing sighash flags)
- Main drawbacks being the additional witness satisfaction cost, the 
network-side full-node validation costs of checking a signature instead of just 
a hash, and not being segwit0-compatible (meaning, among others, not 
- Its about 3x for APO-in-taproot vs CTV-in-taproot. CTV-in-segwitv0 and 
CTV-in-bare-spk get you even more savings
- APO is far from being ready, let alone (revised)APO
- APOv2 would be both better for Eltoo and better for CTV, since you can use a 
trick to make the signatures smaller
- "layered commitments" is essential for eltoo to be usable or not is unclear. 
AJ Towns thinks it is required while Christian Decker thinks it is not.

fiatjaf's CTV spacechain demo


Compare CTV with other covenant proposals

Unlike crypto primitves (e.g., BLS vs Schnorr), there's not really actually a 
defined way to compare them. So one exercise of value would be if everyone 
tries to actually either agree to or come up with their own framework for 
comparing covenants.

Billy Tetrud's email: 

- Prefers CTV for several reasons. Mainly because of being simple, 
documentation, code, tools, review and testing.
- Everything else either introduces malleability, infinite recursion, or has 
interactions with other proposed opcodes that could introduce potentially 
undesirable effects like those.
- Anything involving OP_CAT is out for the time being. There are so many things 
it can enable that it seems most people aren't comfortable adding it at the 
- APO wallet vaults seem rather hacky, inefficient, and limited.
- TLUV is built for evictions, TLUV + IN_OUT_AMOUNT and OP_CHECKOUTPUTVERIFY 
allows recursive covenants

Recursive covenants

I don't particularly understand the aversion to infinite recursion, which seems 
no different than the risk of potentially burning your coins. It's not like 
infinite recursion on bitcoin is some kind of DoS vector or poses execution 
overhead like an Ethereum VM bug might.

i think people who want recursion for cool stuff are worried that pedestrian 
stuff will prevent it.

i think people are afraid of weird shit happening, less so of recursion in 

"Recursive covenants" is the boogie man

"recursion" translates to "complex black magic" for nondevs' -- recursion is 
the new turing completeness

Responding to FUD

- It could be a good idea to include showing a way to do blacklists in the bug 
bounty offer
- The potential concerns about recursive covenants have to clearly explained so 
they can be properly examined.
- An article about CTV myths similar to segwit: : 
- Some users think CTV might delay eltoo

"The initial resistance came from the Speedy Trial proposal. Then later on 
rumors and FUD started spreading around regarding CTV and covenants."
- hsjoberg



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