Hi Brandon,

Not going to dive too deep here, just adding a bit of color.

> * If the top item on the stack is not a minimally encoded `OP_0`, `OP_1`,
  `OP_2`; succeed immediately[^2].

I presume this was supposed to go to OP_4 now.

> ### How does the efficiency compare to [bip118][]?

Just noting BIP118 also allows pubkey of "1" to stand in for the taproot
inner pubkey, which would be a common use-case. "simply" adding an opcode
ala OP_INNER_PUBKEY could also have the same effect of course.

Also, BIP118 also opens the door for non-APO signatures to have a sighash
digest that commits to additional data, closing a couple of taproot
malleability bugs. See
https://github.com/bitcoin-inquisition/bitcoin/issues/19 for more
discussion along those lines. These aren't make or break, but would be nice
to clean up if possible


On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 3:04 PM Brandon Black via bitcoin-dev <
bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:

> Hi list,
> https://gist.github.com/reardencode/2aa98700b720174598d21989dd46e781
> I'm seeking feedback on this proposal to provide the functionality
> requested by those advocating for bip118 and bip119 in a combined way
> that retains the low risk associated with each of those separate
> proposals. At least part of the reason for creating this is similar to
> my reason for creating bips PR#1472, and my covenant comparo
> spreadsheet, i.e. to help further the discussion of these proposals and
> make more clear the similarities and differences between them.
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/pull/1472
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YL5ttNb6-SHS6-C8-1tHwao1_19zNQ-31YWPAHDZgfo/edit
> It's become clear to me that in large part the separation between
> advocates of these two proposals stems from a lack of full understanding
> of their properties. My hope is that this work helps to clarify our
> thinking about them individually and together, and potentially move
> toward consensus on a path toward enabling better lightning, vaults, and
> likely other amazing ways to use bitcoin in the future.
> -----------------------
> # Abstract
> This proposal is an alternative to [bip119][] and [bip118][], providing the
> functionality of both proposals with no additional overhead in [many
> cases](#compared-to-non-tapscript-ctv), while clearing certain objections
> to
> both, and opening clear upgrade paths.
> This is, in essence, an initially constrained version of Russel O'Connor's
> [OP_TXHASH+OP_CSFS proposal][].
> We define three new Tapscript-only opcodes. Replacing `OP_SUCCESS80`,
> `OP_SUCCESS187`, and `OP_SUCCESS188` with `OP_TXHASH`,
> # Summary
> For `OP_TXHASH`, we define exactly 5 methods of hashing the transaction
> depending
> on a minimally encoded numeric argument popped from the stack:
> argument | behavior
> -------- | -----------------
>    0     | as in [bip119][]
>    1     | as in [bip118][] with sighash flag `0x41`
>    2     | as in [bip118][] with sighash flag `0xc1`
>    3     | as in [bip118][] with sighash flag `0x43`
>    4     | as in [bip118][] with sighash flag `0xc3`
> `OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK(VERIFY)` is defined similarly to the [implementation
> in
> the Elements project][OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK in elements], but does not
> internally SHA256 hash the data argument. As [bip340][] defines signatures
> on
> arbitrary length messages, and these `OP_CHECKSIGFROMSTACK(VERIFY)` are
> defined only in Tapscript, the internal hashing is unnecessarily
> restrictive.
> Users may wish to use pre-hashed values as in this proposal, or non-SHA256
> hashes available in script.
> # Motivation
> Much ink has been spilled on the discussion of what is next for bitcoin
> scipt
> development. The two proposals nearest to consensus are [bip118][] and
> [bip119][], but the proponents of each disagree about the relative priority
> and the merrits of the other. Here, we'll briefly outline some of the
> objections to each and demonstrate how this proposal reduces those
> objections.
> We will not discuss the concerns about the introduction of covenants or
> recursive covenants generally.
> ## [CTV][bip119] Objections
> * Not general enough
> * Inefficient when otherwise validating the hash (e.g. when combined with
> * Uses `OP_NOPx` extension semantics even though `OP_SUCCESSx` is available
> ## [APO][bip118] Objections
> * Not general enough
> * Accidentally enables inefficient, hard to use covenants
> * Uses new Tapscript key version to avoid accidents
> ## Solutions
> * By providing the behavior of both [bip118][] and [bip119][], this
> proposal
>   is more general than either of those proposals. It also provides explicit
>   upgrade hooks for further generality (e.g. to
>   [full OP_TXHASH][OP_TXHASH+OP_CSFS proposal]).
> * By splitting the hashing from the validation of [bip119], the hash can be
>   used in ways other than `OP_EQUALVERIFY`.
> * We use `OP_SUCCESSx` upgrade semantics.
> * We explicitly enable some of the sighash-based covenants accidentally
>   enabled by [bip118][].
> * By using new signature checking opcodes, we do not require the safety of
> a
>   new Tapscript key version.
> # Specification
> ## `OP_TXHASH`
> When validating Tapscript, the behavior of `OP_SUCCESS80` is modified as
> follows:
> * If there is not at least one item on the stack, fail[^1].
> * If the top item on the stack is not a minimally encoded `OP_0`, `OP_1`,
> or
>   `OP_2`; succeed immediately[^2].
> * Pop the top item from the stack, and name it `hash_mode`
> * If `hash_mode` is 0:
>     * Hash the transaction as defined in [bip119][]
>     * Push the resulting hash to the stack
> * If `hash_mode` is 1:
>     * Hash the transaction as defined in [bip118][] using
> `sighash_type=0x41`
>     * Push the resulting hash to the stack
> * If `hash_mode` is 2:
>     * Hash the transaction as defined in [bip118][] using
> `sighash_type=0xc1`
>     * Push the resulting hash to the stack
> * If `hash_mode` is 3:
>     * Hash the transaction as defined in [bip118][] using
> `sighash_type=0x43`
>     * Push the resulting hash to the stack
> * If `hash_mode` is 4:
>     * Hash the transaction as defined in [bip118][] using
> `sighash_type=0xc3`
>     * Push the resulting hash to the stack
> When validating Tapscript, the behavior of `OP_SUCCESS187` and
> are modified as follows:
> * If there are not at least 3 items on the stack, fail[^1].
> * If the top-minus-0 stack item's length is not 32, succeed
> immediately[^2].
> * If the top-minus-2 stack item's length is not 64, fail[^3].
> * Pop the top 3 stack items as `pubkey`, `msg`, and `sig` respectively.
> * Let `result` equal the result of verifying `sig` against `msg` and
> `pubkey` according to [bip340][].
> * Push `true` if `result` otherwise `false` to the stack.
>     * Pop the top item from the stack as `check`.
>     * If `check` is not `true`, fail.
> # Discussion
> ### How does the efficiency compare to [bip118][]?
> ```
> <64-byte signature>||<1-byte sighash type> <33-byte pubkey>
> with pushes: 64+1+1 + 33+1 + 1 = 101 witness bytes (25.25vBytes)
> ```
> This proposal:
> ```
> <64-byte signature> <1-byte argument> OP_TXHASH <32-byte pubkey>
> with pushes: 64+1 + 1 + 1 + 32+1 + 1 = 101 witness bytes (25.25vBytes)
> ```
> ### How does the efficiency compare to [bip119][]?
> #### Both in Tapscript
> ```
> with pushes: 32+1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 36 witness bytes (9vBytes)
> ```
> `OP_CHECKTEMPLATEVERIFY` with a subsequent check:
> ```
> with pushes: 32+1 + 1 + 1 = 35 witness bytes (8.75vBytes)
> ```
> This proposal:
> ```
> <1-byte argument> OP_TXHASH <32-byte hash> OP_EQUAL(VERIFY)
> with pushes: 1 + 1 + 32+1 + 1 = 36 witness bytes (9 vBytes)
> ```
> #### Compared to non-Tapscript CTV
> ```
> with pushes: 32+1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 36 bytes (36vBytes)
> Unlock: <empty>
> Total: 36 + 0 = 36vBytes
> ```
> Witness v0 CTV:
> ```
> Lock: OP_0 <32-byte hash>
> with pushes: 1 + 32+1 = 34 bytes (34 vBytes)
> Unlock:
> <36-byte witness script>
> with sizes: 36+1 = 37 witness bytes (9.25vBytes)
> Total: 34 + 9.25 = 43.25vBytes
> ```
> This proposal:
> ```
> Lock: OP_1 <32-byte pubkey>
> with pushes: 1 + 32+1 = 34 bytes (34 vBytes)
> Unlock:
> <36-byte leaf script> <33-byte control block>
> with sizes: 36+1 + 33+1 = 71 witness bytes (17.75vBytes)
> Total: 34 + 17.75 = 51.75vBytes
> ```
> Compared to bare CTV, this proposal is 15.75vBytes more costly. If CTV use
> cases gain popularity, a separate upgrade for bare CTV may be warranted,
> either as specified in [bip119][], as its own witness version, or some
> alternative.
> Bearing in mind the risks mentioned in [bip119][], fee sensitive users can
> add
> `OP_RIPEMD160` to save 2.75 vBytes when using `OP_TXHASH` with
> `OP_EQUAL(VERIFY)`. This brings the excess cost relative to bare CTV down
> to
> 13vBytes.
> ### Why not include modes for [bip118][] sighash_types 0x42 and 0xc2?[^4]
> Possibly due to a lack of imagination, we are unable to see a use for
> signing
> none of the inputs and none of the outputs (or a single input script and
> none
> of the outputs).
> ### Can this be used in ln-symmetry?
> Yes, this is fully compatible with ln-symmetry. It uses a different script,
> but has the same size and behavior as [bip118][] for this purpose.
> ### Can this be used in PTLCs?
> Yes, this is fully compatible with PTLCs. It uses a different script, but
> has
> the same size and behavior as [bip118][] for this purpose.
> ### Can this be used with OP_VAULT?
> Yes, this is fully compatible with OP_VAULT. It uses a different script,
> but
> has the same size and behavior as [bip119][] for this purpose.
> # What is hashed?
> | field \ mode                        | CTV(0) | APO/ALL(1) | APOAS/ALL(2)
> | ----------------------------------- | ------ | ---------- | ------------
> | ------------- | --------------- |
> | hash_type                           |        | x          | x
> | x             | x               |
> | version/locktime                    | x      | x          | x
> | x             | x               |
> | this input UTXO                     |        |            |
> |               |                 |
> | other input UTXOs                   |        |            |
> |               |                 |
> | this script pubkey/amount           |        | x          |
> | x             |                 |
> | other script pubkeys/amounts        |        |            |
> |               |                 |
> | this script sig                     | x      |            |
> |               |                 |
> | other script sig                    | x      |            |
> |               |                 |
> | the number of inputs                | x      |            |
> |               |                 |
> | this input sequence                 | x      | x          | x
> | x             | x               |
> | other input sequences               | x      |            |
> |               |                 |
> | this input spend type/annex         |        | x          | x
> | x             | x               |
> | other input spend types/annexes     |        |            |
> |               |                 |
> | corresponding output script/amount  | x      | x          | x
> | x             | x               |
> | other output scripts/amounts        | x      | x          | x
> |               |                 |
> | the number of outputs               | x      |            |
> |               |                 |
> # Notes
> [^1]: We fail on invalid stack lengths to ensure that attackers cannot skip
>   validation.
> [^2]: We succeed on unspecified txhash modes or pubkey lengths to allow
> future
>   extensions.
> [^3]: We fail on invalid signature lengths _after_ the pubkey length check,
>   thus allowing only 64-byte signatures for 32-byte keys, but allowing
> future
>   key types to potentially also have different signature lengths.
> [^4]: As far as we know there is no use for sighash types other than those
>   defined in [bip118][] with this proposal, as the other types either
> reduce
>   to `OP_CHECKSIG(VERIFY)` or create infinite hash loops.
> [bip118]: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0118.mediawiki
> [bip119
> <https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0118.mediawiki%5Bbip119>]:
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0119.mediawiki
> [bip340
> <https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0119.mediawiki%5Bbip340>]:
> https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0340.mediawiki
> [OP_TXHASH+OP_CSFS proposal]:
> https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2022-January/019813.html
> https://github.com/ElementsProject/elements/blob/f08447909101bfbbcaf89e382f55c87b2086198a/src/script/interpreter.cpp#L1399
> [proposed ln-symmetry scripts]:
> https://github.com/instagibbs/bolts/blob/eltoo_draft/XX-eltoo-transactions.md
> -----------------------
> Best,
> --Brandon
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