
I think if Gleb Naumenko and myself allocate our research time on this
issue, we should (hopefully) be able to come with a strong sustainable fix
to the lightning network, both systematically solving pinnings and
replacement cycling attacks (and maybe other mempools issues or things
related like massive force-closure beyond available blockspace can absorb
before pre-signed transactions timelocks expiration as mentioned in the
original paper).

I have not yet probed Gleb's mind on this, though we both studied those
cross-layer issues together as early as 2019 / 2020, and I think we have
built an intuitive understanding of the problem-space, with both practical
experience of bitcoin core and rust-lightning codebases and landmark
research in this area [0] [1]. If Gleb isn't too busy with Erlay in core,
I'm sure he'll be enthusiastic to contribute research time at his own pace
(and I might probe a bit of Elichai Turkel time to verify the maths of all
sustainable lightning fixes we might propose and the risks models). All
soft commitments and assuming the interest of the bitcoin community.

One good advantage of long-term sustainable fixes, it should
(optimistically yet to be demonstrated) lower the fee-bumping reserve value
and number of UTXOs lightning users (and maybe bandwidth) have to lock
continuously to use this worldwide 24 / 7 payment system.

Reopened the issue on coordinated security issues handling in the LN

While I'll stay focused on solving the above problems at the base-layer
where they're best solved, at least I'll stay around for a few months
making transitions with the younger generation of LN devs.

For transparency, I don't have any strong solution design yet at all,
neither code, conceptual draft or paper ready, and game-theory and nodes
network processing resources changes will have to be weighted very
carefully, all under the bitcoin open and responsible process we currently
have. Overall, this will take reasonable time (e.g package relay design
discussions have been started in 2018 and we're only now at the hard
implementation and review phase) to carry on forward.

Looking forward to hearing thoughts of the Bitcoin and Lightning
development protocols community.

[1] https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.01418.pdf

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