> I was thinking that people could upload a payment protocol file somewhere
> once (like to their personal web page, or shared via dropbox or google
> drive or some custom new pastebin style service), and then just encode a
> regular bitcoin URI into the qrcode on the billboard.

That does require trusting the third party not to later tamper with
the payment request, though.  (I'm assuming that a signed payment
request is not always going to be all that useful in the case of
private individuals, even assuming the payee is willing to sign up for

> Likewise, I could attach a payment request to an email and send it to you,
> and now you can pay me whenever you want forever.

That certainly sounds like a plausible use case.  You do still have
the problem that e-mail is an insecure channel, but it's no worse than
exchanging Bitcoin addreses over e-mail as things stand at the


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