On 03/27/2014 04:57 PM, Allen Piscitello wrote:
> Don't most of these coins have a magic number already assigned that is
> unique? (0xD9B4BEF9 for Bitcoin, 0x0709110B for Testnet, FBC0XB6DB for
> Litecoin, etc...).  This seems like a good candidate for identifying coins,
> and also supports Testnet cases well.  Maybe there are some alts without
> such a magic number that might prevent that?

That magic number is something I find very unfortunate and superflous in
BIP-32 design. Its only purpose is to distinguish BIP-32 trees for
various altcoins, but it doesn't make sense at all once you start
storing various altcoins in the same tree using the proposed
/m/cointype/reserved'/account'/change/n scheme.

I would love to see that removed from BIP-32 and use always
0x0488B21E/0x0488ADE4 (xpub/xpriv), but that is for different discussion
I guess.

Best Regards / S pozdravom,

Pavol Rusnak <st...@gk2.sk>

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