For reasonably skilled users your points are valid, but I'm sure you
also – like me – encountered the kind of user who has absolutely no clue
but thinks he understands. S/he will ignore warnings and run into
troubles. This generates a huge amount of support cases and likely tears
about lost coins.

The simple fact that someone elses broken RNG implementation/wrapper
could compromise the security of my software frightens me.

On 03/11/2015 08:04 PM, Jim wrote:
> The wallet words system isn't perfect for sure but it does help the user in 
> two main ways:
> 1) Assuming wallet devs ensure forward compatibility for _their_ wallet the 
> user knows they can recover their bitcoins using the same wallet software in 
> case of a Bad Thing Happening.
> 2) To an imperfect degree, they can transfer/ recover their bitcoins that are 
> stored in Wallet X into Wallet Y. We need to give them guidance on how to do 
> this.
> I think it is up to each wallet team to explain to their users clearly how 
> they can do this in their help. It's only good manners to show your guests 
> where the fire exits are.
> It can be a simple help page saying:
> "If you want to transfer your bitcoin out of MultiBit HD to Lighthouse, do 
> this, this and this.
> If you want to use the Trezor wallet you created in MultiBit HD on 
>, do this, this and this."
> That way users have clear instructions on how to recover their bitcoins.
> Users don't care about BIP this or BIP that but they REALLY DO CARE about 
> keeping their bitcoins.

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