Michael it is too good to be true.  correct me if I am wrong, but I remember 
hearing that the abscesses can be internal also.  Specifically inside the 
udders and shed the bacterium that way.  
Once you have CL in your heard, there is no easy fix.  I have also read that it 
can contaminate fence posts, feeders etc and lie in the soil for years.  I 
would like to write more on this, but am on my way to church.

Liz Radi
Nubian goats 
Nunn, Colorado

--- mwsmotorspo...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Michael Smith <mwsmotorspo...@gmail.com>
To: blackbelly <blackbelly@lists.blackbellysheep.info>
Subject: Re: [Blackbelly] Marley the AB ram died, I suspect pneumonia
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 21:00:44 -0700

they can get large, like the size of a plum cut in half and under the
skin. The are fairly firm. I have lanced one myself, it comes out like
white-grey  toothpaste and smells. The vet I have first thought this
one was not Caseous, because it stank. I think it was coincidence,
because it was close to the mouth and may have had some mouth bacteria
in it as well, that helped it stink. I am sure they were all Caseous.

I've done more searching today and read in more than one place about
people simply injecting the cyst itself with 1ml of formaldehyde
instead of opening them, draining, and cleaning the wound, and
expecting to disinfect everything that hits the ground. That treatment
regimen is in every "Scientific" report you can read on the web.   The
more home-spun formaldehyde approach reportedly kills the bacteria in
their protective cyst, causes the cyst itself to dry up (of course),
and eventually just fall off--harmless. Some breeders have reportedly
tried it on many animals. It sounds almost too good to be true, but,
since every other treatment involves exposing the area to tons of live
bacterium--I'll give it a try.  I've seen at least 3-4 of these cysts.
One is active now on a ewe and I might try the formaldehyde, the other
two on other ewes, one we treated, one we did not, and one on a ram,
which we got to too late and it had opened up, leaked out, and dried
up by the time we got to it. From my reading, if they are lucky, they
get one on the lower face and develop some form of antibodies for any
future infection.

I suppose one is lucky if they catch a real obvious cyst on the face
or elsewhere on the skin. Marley never showed any outward symptoms. It
ravaged his body internally.  Admittedly, with my new crazy-busy
position I took at my job, I'd been operating on auto-pilot and not
paying as close attention. He's always had strange issues with
shedding too early in the end of winter and having a not-so-marvelous
coat, so I became numb to trying to look for problems on him.

I've now identified one other ram in imminent danger--normally hearty,
he is also skinny, two more rams that might be in trouble, and two
ewes in serious trouble (one is very old), and two, who have had
cysts, I plan to isolate and treat them all with large doses of Pen-G
for 30 days.

The antibiotic regimen is a Hail Mary. Besides isolation, the papers
I've look up simply recommend culling for the truly infected. My local
sheep-herding Vet recommends it, because, I guess he has had some luck
with it. The woman vet I usually use-- knows this regimen from him.
She had not heard about the vaccine (efficacy of it is not really
entirely known--again, it causes a small case of it, and the animal
builds up antibodies), but I plan to try it ASAP and use it on any
lambs I have here from now on. It is NOT tested or developed for
goats. There's no vaccine for goats, yet. And I have 3 goats.

The biggest issue is: leaving a pasture alone for 8 months or more, to
try to let it no longer be infected. My property is too small to try
to do that. There's a central place with the shelter, water, etc, and
if the bacteria is present, it can thrive there.

-Michael, Perino Ranch Blackbellies

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Carol Elkins <celk...@critterhaven.biz> wrote:
> Michael, I am so sorry you are having to go through this.
> Coryne psuedotuberculosis is the bacterium that causes the disease Caseous
> Lymphadenitis (CL) in sheep. There is no cure. See
> http://waddl.vetmed.wsu.edu/animal-disease-faq/caseous-lymphadenitis and
> other sources.
> An abscess on a sheep's jaw/throat is commonly the first symptom to appear
> with CL. But it is very easy to confuse with bottle jaw and milk goiter.
> I've read that CL abscesses are hard whereas bottle jaw and milk goiter
> lumps are soft. What do the abscesses on your sheep look and feel like?
> Carol
> At 02:15 PM 9/12/2015, you wrote:
>> Thanks for everyone's advice. The Vet came and did a necropsy on Marley:
>> Coryne psuedotuberculosis.  All through his body.
>> I have had a few of the abscesses on my sheeps neck or jaw before and
>> was aware this was contagious, but was not that aware of how
>> devastating it could be.. Now I am.
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