Hey all.

Sorry for the long absence.

My move was more hectic than I would have liked due to work and what not.  
Then the new house had old wiring.  The room for the computers had no 3 prong 
(grounded) outlets.  On top of that the phone line in the room was cut, no 
idea where.

About 3 weeks ago I caught a bad cold and then pneumonia.  Was out of work for 
the better part of 2 weeks.  Finally got the computer fired up last week.

Along the way, the cable company disabled my email (along with my wife's).  
Rather than simply move the service to the new house they locked it and 
started it over.  I lost almost all of my mail and most lists unsubscribed 

Then the Debian servers were hacked.  I have used my [EMAIL PROTECTED] email 
for the last 5 years to make sure that my mail survived moves, ISPs, etc.  
With the hack I am locked out of the account for the time being.

As you can see, it has been a busy two months.

I have lots and lots of email archives and cvs checkins to read through.  So 
it will still be a while before I am 100% back in the saddle.

While I was away two people stepped up to help out with the website.  This is 
good news and I welcome both of them to the team.

For those of you who celebrate this time of year, have a great holiday season.
(I am not of the judeo/christian/muslim faith, but I still enjoy the secular 
side of Christmas.  How can family and loved ones be a bad thing (-:

List archives:  http://asgardsrealm.net/lurker/splash/index.html
Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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