> There might be a problem with that.  There is currently no code in
> blackbox for displaying any dialog.  So the confirm dialog would add a lot
> of code to blackbox.

Not really.  bb already knows how to create a window, some text and a button. 
It just has to display all three at once in a rectangle shape.

Lean and clean is a driving goal in bb, no doubt.  However a kneejerk reaction
of "that will just make it bigger and there are other ways to do it" need to be
avoided.  Some things make no sense for bb to do or are better served

It is very easy to take minimalism to the point of being unusable. 
The menu represents a chunk of code and there are programs that will display a
menu so maybe I should remove the menu from blackbox?  Or perhaps styles are
silly and should be removed.  You can change the colours by editing the source
code.  As you can see this is just silly.

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