> Changes from 0.61.1 to 0.61.2:
>   - added the ja_JP nls directory
>   - general code cleanups
>   - blackbox-nls.hh is always generated even if --disable-nls is used.
>     This allows us to not have all of those hideous #ifdef NLS chunks.
>     Nothing to worry about, if you do not want NLS this does not affect you
>   - Workspace::placeWindow() cleanups.  Also a speed bump from reducing the
>     use of iterator->current() and changing the delta from 1 to 8
>   - cleanups to compile with g++ 3.0
>   - make distclean actually removes Translation.m and blackbox-nls.hh
>   - fixed a desciptor leak in BScreen::parseMenuFile, seems opendir
>     lacked a matching closedir.
> Is my current changelog.  If anything in that list is not clear, please speak
> up.  If something should be in that list, also speak up.

Oh yeah, forgot this one:

  - transient window handling code in Workspace::removeWindow() so transients
    give focus back to their parents properly.  The code originally handled
    sloppy focus then transient windows, so we just flopped the if/elsif.
    This is immediately noticable with web browsers and their open location

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