On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Jan Schaumann wrote:
> [snip]
> Now, if blackbox receives any of SIGSEGV,SIGFPE, SIGINT or SIGTERM, it
> calls this shtudonw-function, just as if "exit" had been selected from
> the menu.  It would therefore stand to reason that if you CTRL-ALT-BSPC
> X, bb should receive a SIGTERM and save the current configuration.
> If it doesn't, something's fishy.

>From what I can tell, when C-A-BS is pressed, X catches it and kills
itself, thereby taking down all clients, either by being child processes or
losing the connection to the X server.

"When you're born a lover, you're born to suffer"
                -- Depeche Mode, "Goodnight Lovers"

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