Wow, I never meant to cause such a firestorm!

I never wanted to change the default behavior of BB, just wanted to see
if there were any alternatives.

How about this for a solution - kind of a combination of things that
have been mentioned by others ---

Is there a way to remove the default "Exit" from the Menu?  If there is
a way to remove that, I could write a simple Perl that would do the
prompting.  Also, this could leave open the door for a bbexit to be
written in the future, if more people would like this.

This would allow anyone, like me, who wants to have a prompt (and for a
while, we must figureout a way to do it -- which I'll gladly share my
Perl script once I write it) but leave the default Exit behavior for
those who don't need this.

Thanks for all the ideas,

On Mon, 2001-12-10 at 20:36, Andy Kopciuch wrote:
> On Monday 10 December 2001 17:42, Mark Weinem wrote:
> > Hi Sean!
> >
> > On Sun, 09 Dec 2001, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > > Welcome to the blackbox world where a simple feature request leads to
> > > 8 different ways to skin the proverbial cat that do not involve
> > > changing blackbox.
> >
> > Will you really take care of the "end users"? Only two users want an
> > exitconfirm option (Andy and yourself). Seems the rest of us does not!
> >
> Please read all relevant emails before speaking for me next time.  For the 
> record I never requested this feature.  Sean never volunteered this feature.  
> I think it is also unfair to speak for  "the rest of us" as well.
> A user posted this request to this list, several people posted possible 
> solutions, I pointed out one, and what I saw as pros and cons to several 
> different implementations.  I have had a mild conversation with Sean about 
> it, being as he has taken the reigns of development.  
> Not once did I ever state which way to go with, and not once has Sean ever 
> stated which path will be persued.
> I click on the exit ... when I want to exit.  I have never accidently exited 
> blackbox, but some people might.  So it became a development issue when 
> someone had a problem with it.  I can't see it as being a detriment.  If you 
> don't like it, then turn it off.
> Andy

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