* Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Dec 11. 2001 17:37]:
> So, 0.61.2 is almost ready to be released screaming into the world.  If anyone
> has a patch floating around that fixes some problem I would love to hear about
> it.  The recent open file descriptor bug shows how much the community has
> depended on the memory of this list to find bugs.

Okay, now I'm gonna touch a subject which will probably start a huge
flamewar. But nevertheless, I want to mention it.

How about calling the upcoming release Blackbox 1.0?

There are some aspects of that:

 o The masses think a 1.0 release is better, and more people would
   probably use BB now it's out in a 1.0 release, therefore bugs will be

 o Developer phsycology--even though people claim they don't care,
   there is some fundamental phsycology about actually having a 1.0
   release. One really feels like something have been closed, a project
   have been done, so now new energy can be put into the next move.
   After 1.0 we could have 1.0.x releases with bugfixes and 1.1.x for

  o We would also give the impression that development picked up again.
    And it did! Souceforge sites, new guy in charge etc. etc. etc.

I for one really don't care, but then again... 

If this one already came up I missed it, apologies for that.

Mads Martin Joergensen, http://mmj.dk
"Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic
 and totally illogic, with just a little bit more effort."
                                -- A. P. J.

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