1 is cool,
can't see 4 and 5.
        Milan Roubal

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 5:28 PM
Subject: website, let's get the decision made

> 1) http://www.planetquake.com/lvl/blackbox
> 2) http://www.threadbox.net/blackbox
> 3) http://www.threadbox.net/blackbox/lightgfx.html
> 4) http://speed.seas.upenn.edu/~rarya/bb2/
> 5) http://speed.seas.upenn.edu/~rarya/bb/index.html
> 6) http://furt.com/blackbox
> Right now I am leaning towards 2 (with the updates to fit the screen
> Please only mail this list, check those CC lists.

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