I have a logitech internet keyboard and have loaded the map for the
extra keys in XFree86 with this line: Option "XkbModel" "logiinternet"
I have 3 keys working easily in fluxbox. I have used bbkeys and bbconf
to try to load the keys XF86WWW, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, and
XF86AudioLowerVolume to execute commands without success. In bbconf when 
i press the keys over the button for custom key neither keys are 
recognized yet they show up correctly using xev. Is this a bug or what?
The keys work fine in fluxbox and I mostly use fluxbox but I'm curious
as to why I can't get them to work in blackbox. Also I can't get the
keys to work in kde which has a button to add custom key in kmenuedit that 
looks just like the button in bbconf(problem with the type of button?). It's mind 
boggling that they work in fluxbox and not blackbox.

"I've made many statements about being sober, and one I can really say is
... sobriety f**king sucks!" --Ozzy Osbourne

Chad Young           
Registered Linux User #195191
@ http://counter.li.org
Linux localhost 2.4.18-pre7-ac2 #2 Thu Jan 31 18:48:48 AST 2002 i686 unknown
  9:30pm  up  9:12,  7 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.10, 0.14

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