On Mon, Jul22,02 09:34, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > In this page: http://blackboxwm.sourceforge.net/ you write:
> > "M$ Windows (all varieties) "
> > I do not know the problem you might have with Microsoft sir, but this is
> > down right unprofessional and filthy to reffer to Microsoft as M$,
> > ESPECIALLY when the project you are developing is actually running on
> > that platform. 
> While I can see their point, they strike me as a bith of a zealot with the
> request.  Anyway, doesn't Blackbox require Cygwin in order to operate on
> MS OSes?  If so, why not just change the reference to Cygwin?

I'll stop being a linux zealot, just as soon as _M$_ stops it's antitrust
practices. Sure, I'm stooping to their level, maybe, but alas, zealotry
isn't breaking the law (and getting away with it)!!!

I love it when people are contradictory... this chick comes across as a
zealot more than using an altered abreviation does.

"yak yak yak... GET A JOB!" -- Hackers.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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