On 24-Jul-2002 Mr.X wrote:
> I found something fairly interesting, thought I'd check here to see if
> anybody else can reproduce it before I submit.  Using Sylpheed (0.8.0),
> if you hit the "Get" button a dialog pops up and shows the download
> status of the mail.  If you toggle the decor of this dialog off, then
> back on again it doesn't gain a maximize button, but it DOES gain a
> window handle.  To reproduce this you have to either have a lot of mail,
> a really slow connection, or cat-like reflexes, but it is happening.
> Every other dialog I've tried works fine, Sylpheed is the only one doing
> this.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm using CVS as of...well, might as
> well be a few seconds ago.

I think I found it, committing now.  Let me know.

For reference this also happen(s|ed) with mozilla's url window.

Part of the problem is that there is no memory associated with the decor
setting.  So if you have a window with minimal decor already and you toggle it
off, then on bbkeys sends:

decor none
decor normal # but what if I was tool or tiny and not normal?

The current code tries to be smart and not give a maximize button to a window
that can not be maximized and what not but I think this is a losing battle.

In the mozilla case it sets no iconify button via mwm hints.  However it does
not also disable iconify in general.  So it is available from the window menu. 
When you toggle the decor off and then odd the code reads the abilities of a
window and sees that it can be iconified and adds the iconify button.  There is
no way to check for whether or not the window had one before decor was toggled.

Yeah I could add an old_decor variable but that seems like a waste.

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