Actually you can't just paste it into script editor and click run to
see if it works. QS actions are written to accept text from
Quicksilver and act upon it. Clicking run in script editor causes
nothing to happen with a perfectly good action.

It's most likely not a problem with QS, as its applescript
functionality seems pretty stable. And, since it passes the script off
toe Apple Events, if there was a QS bug with one script the bug would
show up  with all, or most, scripts.  It's definately possible/likely
there's bugs with my script. It worked for me the few times I tried
it, but I wrote it mainly in response to someone else's request, I
don't skype much, and haven't used it enough to experience bugs.

I'm guessing its Growl related. Here is a version of the script
without Growl:

You can test QS actions in script editor, but it requires some
temporary code changes:
Most/all actions that use text from QS have a handler similiar to:

using terms from application "Quicksilver"
        on process text qtxt
                set pn to my parsenum(qtxt)
                set cs to callskype(pn)
        end process text
end using terms from

WHICH needs to be changed to something like this:

set qtxt to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the phone# you
want to skype: " default answer "")
 set pn to my parsenum(qtxt)
 set cs to callskype(pn)

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