> Following Patrick's return from being away for the weekend, I can now confirm 
> that the 'Web forms' check box remains checked after each re-launch of QS.
> I presume this is the expected behaviour.  Is that correct, Patrick?

It's enabled by default, yes. You can disable it by unticking it

If under the catalog prefs, you have BOTH checkboxes ticked under
1Password, then you'll be able to search for the web forms directly in
the first pane with having to search for 1Password first.

> On 24 Jan 2010, at 16:57, danewb wrote:
> > Now I'm really confused, Tim. Your two last posts seemed to contradict
> > themselves. So CAN you really right-arrow into 1Password or not?? You
> > and I are using the same OS version and QS version, and right-arrow
> > NEVER EVER works in any way for me in the object pane (the first pane
> > after invoking QS).
> > Well, Patrick seems to be offline for the weekend.... maybe he'll get
> > back to us on this in the next couple days.
> > On Jan 24, 5:23 pm, Tim <stationf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Thanks for this.
> >> I'm using B57 (3840) on SL and my agilekeychain is in my dropbox folder at 
> >> ~/Documents/Dropbox
> >> I have can right-arrow into 1PWD - I invoke QS, type 1P and when I 
> >> right-arrow I see all the logins I've got stored in 1PWD.  I don't seem to 
> >> be able to get direct access (if what you mean by that is invoke QS, type 
> >> 1P and see under the first pane all my stored logins) because, as I have 
> >> said in a reply to one of your earlier emails, whenever I re-launch QS, 
> >> the checkbox for Webforms under 1Password in the modules section of the 
> >> catalog, is cleared.
> >> I don't seem to get any errors in my Console - no.
> >> Don't suppose you could email me your 'fixed' version from Patrick could 
> >> you?
> >> On 24 Jan 2010, at 01:02, Camelot wrote:
> >>> Tim: the checkbox I am referring to is this one:
> >>>http://www.flickr.com/photos/christophercjensen/4299245404/
> >>> Right arrow into 1password should, like mail, give you access to
> >>> application specific entries. In mail's case it's the inbox, while for
> >>> the 1password module it's the passwords you have stored in it. By
> >>> using the checkbox I mentioned earlier, you get direct access to these
> >>> items from the quicksilver "main" search, rather then having to right
> >>> arrow into 1password.
> >>> Patrick had made a mistake when compiling the plugin he originally
> >>> posted here, but emailed me a "fixed" version. Not sure if he has
> >>> updated the link above… Might explain why it's working for so few. Do
> >>> you get any errors in the osx console when you try to right arrow into
> >>> the 1password entry (just run the console application, and check the
> >>> "console messages" log)?

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