It turns out there is a sneaky way around this problem: To use an
Applescript which has persistent properties from within Quicksilver,
simply save the script as an application and use XCode's Property List
Editor to edit the info.plist file found inside the application
bundle. Add a child to the "Information Property List", choose
"Application is background only" from the drop down list, and click in
the check box. Now, you can activate the script/applet from within
Quicksilver, and it will still retain its persistent properties.

On Feb 1, 10:21 pm, Edog <> wrote:
> I'm trying get an Applescript to run from a Quicksilver / Abracadabra
> trigger. Much to my disappointment, it appears that Applescripts run
> from within Quicksilver do not have persistent properties, that is the
> property values are lost between script runs.
> Does anyone know a sneaky way around this problem, or will I be
> required to create a. plist file for my rather complicated set of
> properties?

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