On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:23 PM, Elastic Threads
<elasticthre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I posted this same solution elsewhere in the Groups, you should search
> before posting.

apologies, I did search for long (the description of the things I
tried should hint at that), but did not come across your post.

> I've written an applescript which sends your current selection in just
> about any application to QS. I haven't missed the old QS function
> since switching the script. Meanwhile the script works every time,
> solidly, immediately, and I can slim my catalog down/speed it up by
> turning off Proxy Objects.

thank you very much for your work, this script is very helpful.
Unfortunately it doesn't address my main use case with URLs. if I
select anything of the form proto://path/to/file and run qsGetSel the
text will br truncated to the : . This is really not dependent on
urls, I can reproduce with any test, for example foo:bar:baz ->
qsGetSel will bring up QS window with "baz" only. Unfortunately I
don't really know much about applescript, but looking at the code it
seems to be due to something in the klChar functions. If I paste after
running qsGetSel I get the whole string, so the part getting data from
the clipboard is working fine, hence the guess that something is
happening inside klChar. The code in there seems to be trimming
leading and trailing spaces so I'm not really sure why the ":" is
causing a problem.

thank you very much for your help.


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