Bruce Dubbs wrote these words on 02/22/05 12:11 CST:

> As I look at LFS 6.0, I see:
> mv /usr/lib/lib{shadow,misc}.so.0* /lib
> ln -sf ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
> ln -sf ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
> and
> mv /usr/lib/lib{readline,history}.so.5* /lib
> ln -sf ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
> ln -sf ../../lib/ /usr/lib/
> Which seems consistent to me.

We're just not on the same page here. Perhaps someone else needs
to jump in and explain it in a manner different than I. Others
(Kevin and Jim) are understanding what I'm saying.

Bruce, you are not.

This is the last time I'll try, otherwise, let's just forget about
it. It's really not that big of a deal.

But in the LFS versions of both Shadow and Readline the unversioned
.so symlink is in /usr/lib. The other files related to the libraries
are in /lib.

In the PAM instructions, the unversioned .so file is both in /usr/lib
and /lib.

This is not consistent.


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