Randy McMurchy wrote:
Randy McMurchy wrote these words on 01/31/06 11:32 CST:

So, exactly how do you create Data CDs (I'm not talking about music
CDs) in the KDE graphical environment. What is the KDE tool to use?

Wow! 3 replies within 10 minutes. All saying the same thing. It is
unanimous! I'll install it right now, and report back.

So, y'all think k3b deserves to be in the book, huh?

Just thought I'd add an admittedly pointless "me too" to the discussion :-) But yes, k3b rocks and would be a worthy addition to the book. My script has it as an almost cmmi type affair, but as it doesn't come bundled with KDE by default (as you discovered yourself, Randy) it'd seem useful to have it in the book if only to save some googling for folks.


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