Randy McMurchy wrote:
On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 20:35 -0600, I wrote:

echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"

The word "string" was returned, as expected.

JUSTFORBRUCE=`echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"`


Woops, we didn't get what we wanted. We got ${COUNTER} instead

Now that I think about it further, I still consider `...` broken. Here's

It works one way when not used assigning a variable and works completely
different when using *exactly the same syntax* to assign it to a

To me, this inconsistency is broken behavior.

Are you using the above example as proof of this? I would just like to clarify that because in the lines above, you have `...` in the second line where you assign it to the variable, but not in the first line where you're running the command at the prompt.


$ echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"
$ `echo ${BIGSTRING} | sed "s/^.*\($MYSTRING\).*$/\\${COUNTER}/"`
-bash: ${COUNTER}: command not found

If you meant something else, I'd appreciate another example. :)


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