Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
Randy McMurchy wrote:
Perhaps it is time to move the production BLFS platform to Anduin.
At least then we'd have a reliable server that works.

+1 at least temporarily.

In principle, I agree. However, I think that re-organization would be better done if we accounted for all projects, not just BLFS. We could look at a solution that would help everyone and that would ideally be temporary, but could continue permanently if necessary.

For example, if we moved all xLFS web services off of Belgarath to Anduin {ie, www and wiki} and the repositories, that should greatly take off much of the current strain on Belgarath, and it doesn't unnecessarily fragment the sub-projects any further.

I agree that it the LFS community has suffered for months waiting for the new server to arrive. I personally don't think Gerard means to delay, but it doesn't seem that he places much importance on it, either. Still, before taking any necessary administrative action such as the above, it seems only right to give Gerard fair warning especially if, as he says, the new server is nearly ready to be dropped in place.

Therefore, it seems appropriate to me to set a date, whereupon if the new server is not in place and functioning, we begin to migrate services. January 1st seems more than fair.

I'm CC'ing Gerard - perhaps it'll stand a better chance of getting read if it comes to him directly, and not through a list.


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