akhiezer wrote:
>> Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 17:08:10 -0500
>> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
>> To: BLFS Development List <blfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
>> Subject: Re: [blfs-dev] blfs bootscripts (-dev)
>> akhiezer wrote:
>>> Btw, what was it decided you to 'get more involved' on the sysd side -
>>> e.g. demand for teaching courses on the stuff?
>> No, it was a combination of things.  There were comments in the lists as
>> well as irc that people wanted systemd.  My judgement is that there are
>> about an equal number of people on both sides of the issue.
>> Additionally, most of the mainstream distros have gone to systemd.   If
>> we want to maintain one of our fundamental goals of being an
>> instructional resource, we really need to address this.
> Yes, I agree about addressing it: but the two streams in b/lfs should
> still be separable fairly readily; and that has been getting lessened,
> and unnecessarily; and it raises doubts about why.

There is a lot more in common than not.  Adding a few systemd 
prerequisites shouldn't be a problem.  About the only differences are 
systemd/eudev.  Additionally systemd doesn't need syslog, but those are 
about the only package differences.  I admit that d-bus isn't needed on 
most servers, but it is for most desktops.

The big differences are in Chapter 7.  Scripts and configuration files 
are completely different.  However that shouldn't be an issue for 
someone to do one or the other.

>> I personally don't like the amount of systemd components mutual
>> interconnections.  IMO, that's not really necessary from a design
>> standpoint.  However, I don't have any input into that.

> As noted before and elsewhere (& increasingly), as the 'community' gets
> its hands on sysd, it'll (the former) knock it into (at _least_ better)
> shape.

I'm interested if you have any personal hands on experience with 
systemd?  Other than the admittedly different configuration files and 
learning curve, what's your objection?

Mine is lack of flexibility as to what runs.  However that's more of a 
theoretical issue as I've not really had a practical problem that wasn't 
solved fairly easily with a little research.

   -- Bruce

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