On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 08:04:42PM +0200, Tim Tassonis wrote:
> Hi all
> I've just rebuilt Xorg Libraries on my new (7.9) LFS based systems and all
> worked well.
> I also tried to be clever, ignored the BLFS ticket's note that older system
> need a full rebuild, ended up with a broken X installation and had to go
> back to the old version.
> Just if anybody knows: Does _ALL_ from Xorg after Xorg Libraries have to be
> rebuild, or is there a known shortcut?
> Cheers
> Tim
I've now finished my desktop rebuilds (back to 7.6).  For _my_
BLFS-7.8 and 7.9 the versions of all the affected libs had the same
major and minor, so I just dropped those in and restarted X.

For everything else I did a more-or-less full rebuild (including
freetype, fontconfig, llvm, mesa) without fonts.  Took me a while to
rework my 'upgrade' script last used for the 2013 vulnerabilities,
and at first I missed that mtdev had come in as a dep for evdev.

The older systems were mostly running gcc-4.9, which I already know
to be problematic.  I had some issues, including :

elfutils - BPF variables not defined, probably because the system
used 3.19 kernel headers.

mesa - nouveau warnings treated as errors.  I don't have any nv
video chips so I disabled it, but that was hard (once again, mesa
doesn't like a quote character in front of the first dri driver.
So my mesa script how has -


        --prefix=/usr   \
        --sysconfdir=/etc       \
        --enable-texture-float  \
        --enable-gles1          \
        --enable-gles2          \
        --enable-osmesa         \
        --enable-xa             \
        --enable-gbm            \
        --enable-glx-tls        \
        $DRIDRVS \
        --with-egl-platforms="$EGLPLATFORMS" \

And in 7.6 I couldn't build current libarchive (I did rebuild cmake,
assuming the current version might be needed for llvm) so I punted
on that.

Sorry this is isn't the shortcut you hoped for, but Xorg on each
system does still work (although my *large* before/after logs blew
out /home on one machine - I only noticed when I could no longer
login with sddm).

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