On 9 April 2018 at 20:49, Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 04/09/2018 02:18 PM, Richard Melville wrote:
> Well, I disagree.  Joel Sing has made it clear that he wants libressl to
>> be a drop-in replacement for openssl.  He has also stated publicly that he
>> thinks opaque data structures (the basis of the openssl 1.1 API change) are
>> a good thing.  It's openssl that has broken compatibility between the 1.0
>> and the 1.1 APIs, and thus created issues with openssh, not libressl.  It
>> is, therefore, unrealistic to expect libressl to conform to the 1.1 API
>> over night.  Clearly, it is going to take some considerable time.
> It has been two years.  How much time do you think is reasonable?
> As a corollary of the need for the original fork, we have seen how many
>> further openssl security breaches were discovered post fork, none of which
>> affected libressl.
> I wonder why there has been no mass exodus to libressl.  It has been
> around from 2014.  Do you have any ideas about that?
> I did read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LibreSSL
> It does read like it was written by libressl or bsd developers.

Bruce, I'm neither a libressl nor a bsd developer, but merely a bystander
watching from the sidelines.  My interest is that I have chosen to use
libressl over openssl because I believe that it is a superior product, and
I have had no issues with it.  So, in answer to your question about what is
a reasonable time for 1.1 API compliance, I don't know, but from the
evidence that I have seen I am confident that the will is there.  Of
course, that's my personal view.

Regarding "no mass exodus to libressl", I don't think that a "mass exodus",
or the lack of it, determines what is good software and what isn't.
Clearly, openssl has the impetus (and the inertia) by having been around
for years.  A similar example is the apache web server.  It's been around
for years and, in my opinion, has become a bloated monster.  There are a
host of other web servers, which, in my opinion, are mostly a lot better;
nginx perhaps being the best known, but also a number of fast web servers
written in erlang.  Despite this, apache still has a huge following.
People are loathe to move from a product with which they are familiar.

Wikipedia pages have to be written by someone, and I'm sure that most of
them contain bias.

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