On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 03:30:34PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-dev wrote:
> What I want to do is give new users an idea of what to build first to flesh
> out their LFS systems into something usable.

I don't have an opinion on whether or not this is worthwhile, just
questions / remarks about some of the items.

> ===================
> BLFS Basic Packages
> Configuration
>  The Bash Shell Startup Files
>  The /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc Files
> Security
>  make-ca-0.9
>    p11-kit
>    libtasn1
>    six (perl module)
          ^^^^ python!
>  openssh-7.8p1
>  sudo-1.8.25
> Disk Management
>  parted-3.2 (for partprobe)
>   LVM2

 Are these two necessary ?

 For gpt I prefer gdisk.
> General Utilities
>  lsof-4.91
>    libtirpc

And again, I find lsof of limited usefulness - maybe I'm missing a
common requirement for *new* users of BLFS.

> System Utilities
>  cpio-2.12 (for building initrd)
>  fcron-3.2.1
>  gpm-1.20.7
>  hdparm-9.56
>  logrotate-3.14.0
>   popt
>  pciutils-3.6.2
>  unzip-6.0
>  usbutils-010
>   libusb-1.0.22
>   Python-2.7.15
>  which-2.21

I assume initrds are for encrypted partitions ?  On recent intel
machines, you might want to include the firmware section (also
needed or ATI video drivers, and might be useful for wireless.

> Networking
>  dhcpcd-7.0.8
>  net-tools-cvs_20101030
>  ntp-4.2.8p12
>    LWP::Protocol::https-6.07 (Perl Module)

Just a remark that the dependency is excessive (from memory,
probably only a couple of the modules in the chain) and is on my
list for fixing in the perl-modules branch.

>  rsync-3.1.3
>    popt-1.16 (also for logrotate above)
>  wget-1.19.5
>    make-ca-0.9 (listed above)
>  wireless tools-29
>  wpa_supplicant-2.6
>    libnl-3.4.0
>  bind utilities-9.13.2
>  traceroute-2.1.0
>  links-2.17
>  mailx-12.5

Do people really need mailx ?  And I thought it needed _old_ ssl ?
I dropped it because of that a while ago, and replaced it with a
bash script for my fcron mail.

And bind utilities ?  I run unbound on desktops, it's not just for
> Servers
>  postfix-3.3.1
>    Berkeley DB-5.3.28
>    libnsl-1.2.0
>      rpcsvc-proto-1.4
>      libtirpc-1.1.4 (listed above)
     and icu to quieten log messages
> Graphics
>  xorg-7
>    fontconfig-2.13.1
>      freetype-2.9.1
>        libpng-1.6.35
>        which-2.21 (listed above)
>        harfbuzz-1.8.8
>          icu-62.1
>          glib-2.58.0
>            pcre-8.42
>            libxslt-1.1.32
>                 docbook-xml-4.5
>                 docbook-xsl-1.79.2
>                   sgml-common-0.6.3
>                   libxml2-2.9.8
>                   UnZip-6.0 (listed above)
 I'm not sure that harfbuzz, glib, or pcre2 are needed when bringing
up a basic Xorg.  I build libxslt and the docbook stuff early, for
editing, but the rest get installed after I'm able to run fluxbox.

And on the subject of Xorg - maybe drop twm (personally, I would
drop xterm and legacy fonts, but you know that ;)

>    libdrm-2.4.94
>    Mako-1.0.4 (Perl module)
>       Beaker-1.10.0
>         funcsigs-1.0.2
>       MarkupSafe-1.0
>    Python-2.7.15

If you hadn't mentioned Python2 as a dep of usbutils, I would have
questioned why it was in 'basic'.  Needed at the moment for rustc
(that might change, since it might be that the weirdnesses I've seen
in scripted rustc builds are common to both versions of python), and
obviously still needed for later packages.

>    libvdpau-1.1.1
>    wayland-protocols-1.15
>      libxml2-2.9.8 (see above)

I guess wayland-protocols are for kde or gnome, not sure how useful
they are in other desktop environments.

>    LLVM-6.0.1 (only required for Gallium3D, r300, and radeonsi
>                drivers and for the llvmpipe software rasterizer.)
>    Pixman-0.34.0
>    libepoxy-1.5.2
>    mtdev-1.1.5
>    (Appropriate drivers for HW)
>  fluxbox-1.3.7

For new users, should we mention alternative editors ?  I can
remember that vim took me a while to get to grips with and I
started with joe, other peopel seem to like nano.

More generally, this is mostly about bringing up Xorg.  I'll bet
most BLFS users running Xorg don't run Postfix.

                     Also Spuke Zerothruster
                                     (Finnegans Wake)
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