On 11/17/2018 04:56 PM, Xi Ruoyao via lfs-dev wrote:
systemd-239 test suite fails in BLFS:

exec-basic.service: Executing: /bin/touch /tmp/b
exec-basic.service: Failed to execute command: No such file or

We can list `touch` as "a Coreutils programs expected by BLFS packages
to be in /bin", and move it to /bin in Sect. 6.54 (along with `head`,
`sleep`, and `nice`), or, mention this issue in BLFS.

Sorry for multiple messages, moving to LFS-Dev.
All of the ones that we have separate should be moved into the section above. /bin/sleep is used in init-functions (as well as /bin/head and /bin/nice). As to touch, I'm kind of indifferent (but see below). We've done it before, but it would be a loaner. We do use the touch builtin in rc, and could can change that to /bin/touch and just sidestep the issue completely and lump it in with the others.



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