On Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 09:35:36AM -0500, Bruce Dubbs via blfs-dev wrote:
> On 3/21/19 6:19 AM, Tim Tassonis via blfs-dev wrote:
> I just noticed on my development system, where nothing has been used for
> about nine hours, that pulseaudio is consuming 100% of one core.  t did have
> xfce running with one konsole instance but nothing else that could use
> audio.  I don't recall running any browser there at all.  I exited xfce and
> pulseaudio terminated.  I am running one other app, gkrellm, on the
> development system over ssh and that is where I noticed the cpu usage.
I get that sometimes, particularly when changing to different
systems (/home is shared) on the machine where I (still) have the
youtube-alsa problem.  When I notice, I kill pulse and wipe out its
~/.config files.  Obviously, for testing ff/alsa I want it stopped
anyway :)

NB I start pulse from .xinitrc because I don't have a DE to start
it.  On icewm, I eventually notice the red line at the bottom of the
cpu window on the 'panel'.  In xfce I think I would notice it in the
cpu monitor.

Meanwhile, and possibly related to Tim's later reply about a later
kernel, on my haswell I've been seeing very slow or bursty network
i/o causing terms to hang for several seconds (e.g. downloading a
large package and saving it on nfs, or writing backups to nfs, or
even just untarring firefox from nfs), that seemed to start a month
or so back but was ok with _some_ kernels.  Currently I've just
built LFS-svn and am now running 5.0.2 (it's ok, it's an intel -
I've seen a problem report for that version on amd) building Xorg.
Will have to wait and see if the network sluggishness persists.

Fun, isn't it.

  It is said that there are two great unsolved problems in computer
  science: naming, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.
                         -- Ben Bullock
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